After all that I have 48 pounds worth of new molding sand!
I can't believe she'd do that, not after all I've done for her.
I found it flattering that he still recognized me after all these years.
I know you've all been working very hard recently and we've been exceptionally busy, especially with the wedding last weekend and the trade fair straight after that.
To me, that would have been crucial; after all, I wouldn't tell a child there is no Santa Claus or why I am an atheist without a parent's permission.
Soon after that, my husband and I decided to turn off all the electronic things for one full day every week.
Sure enough, I was so confident that I finished all the questions after forty minutes except the very last one: What is the name of the woman, who cleans the lecture hall?
The famous scientist Alexander Fleming said, "When I woke up just after daybreak on 28th September 1928, I certainly didn't plan to revolutionize all medicine by discovering the world's first antibiotic. But I guess that was exactly what I did."
It is why after thinking through all these I feel all that I lost are paid back in another way.
Then after class I went to my room and watched the TV program talking about it and I got all the details from that.
After I heard her say that, I got the shivers because shewas the one who caused all the prophets of God to be executed.
It baffles me that after all this self-improvement training, I feel stuck.
After she was resurrected, the mood changed, and, despite the musical episode, I don't think all that gloom and doom sent the right message.
After the speech, which was generally well received, all the commentators noted that I had abandoned the middle-class tax cut.
After a day or two I drove back across the country to Washington, to tell Rick Stearns and Gary Hart, Senator McGovern's campaign manager, that I couldn't go to Florida after all.
When I reached the checkout girl I remarked, jokingly, that my money was all gone after I had paid for all the articles.
The following day, on my way to work, as the security guard said hello to me, I wished him a good morning back and said, "After we spent all that time talking yesterday, I still don't know your name."
After that encounter he started smoking and lost all interest in theoretical physics, I imagine.
After all, no one else ever tells me that I look tired or that I need to go see the dentist.
After focusing intensely on a new episode, I review all the old ones, so that I am able to digest longer and longer cumulative doses of the language.
I felt really empty after she left, and decided that when I met another amazing girl, I'd say goodbye to all the others and let her in.
But he doesn't care about that and neither do I because, after all, our job is to talk.
There is this wonderful overarching voice that unifies everything after all. This is what I call," says de Man, "the rhetoricization of grammar, right--but wait!
Marilyn, Shane and I talked after the meeting, and we all felt that we were on the right rack.
After all, this is personal for me: I feel protective of my father, that boy who is younger than me.
After all, even through the time while I was representing that wild kid, I really wasn't.
He does his homework or takes a shower without complaining, and then I think that maybe he will be all right after all.
Because after all, I was as well-known at the time, when that assault was made, as Julian Assange is today.
After visiting numerous ophthalmologists they all recommended costly medications that I used: none worked.
It was on the toilet that I first read Freud and D. H. Lawrence, and perhaps that was the best place, after all.
我第一次读到弗洛依德和D. H .劳伦斯,是坐在马桶上的,而或许,那终究是最佳之处。