The trouble in Paris came a day after the torch made a difficult journey through a snowy London, where a protester managed to break through security and momentarily grip the torch.
InStyle magazine did a great feature on fashion rules the stars love to break. In it, Rachel Bilson sounded off on the white after labor day rule, saying "Forget the old rules."
It is way easier to do the same thing, day after day, than it is to break your habits.
A siesta is another name for "nap," but it's generally a nap that one takes in the middle of the day, especially after eating or while taking a break from work.
It seems that most motorcycle riders are so rude and uncaring toward each other when they ride and carelessly break traffic laws day after day how can they be friends?
Break your routine - Going through the same routine, day after day, can be monotonous and depressing.
There's only one way to break the spell: I must leave my wife right after the wedding and travel around the world, at night as a man and by day as a tortoise.
The first was after Valentine's Day -- that holiday has a way of defining relationships, for better or worse -- and in the weeks leading up to spring break.
MusArt School presents very interesting arts and music courses for the young students, there are also the after school tutorial, professional studies, spring break care and summer day camp.
MusArt School presents very interesting arts and music courses for the young students, there are also the after school tutorial, professional studies, spring break care and summer day camp.