The conference dinner fee includes a champagne reception, wine with the meal, port and liqueurs, and after dinner entertainment.
After dinner, a glass of plum wine with rosemary, or a bowl of apple-rosemary ice cream will really hit the spot.
After dinner, the fluorescent party will start. There will be beautiful music, sweet wine and delicious desserts. You can sing and dance with DJ's songs.
After dinner, card tables were set up in the garden, and the guests played CARDS until the wee hours of the morning and left only after the last bottle of wine and pack of cigarettes were exhausted.
ABSTRACT: Fortified wines, those inevitable after dinner elixirs, have been a part of the American wine industry since its inception.
Once Newton invited a friend to a dinner at home. when they were ready to eat, Newton left to get a bottle of wine. but after his friend had waited for a long time, Newton still didn't come back.
A relief at only 4 pages, after the wine list, I could soon get started with dinner.
A relief at only 4 pages, after the wine list, I could soon get started with dinner.