After I had done, I ventured on the unusual liberty of drawing near the fire, going round Earnshaw's seat, and kneeling in the corner beside him.
I really felt thankful to Coach Graham for what he had done to me, though it surely didn't feel good at that time to do so many push-ups after practice.
And I said after she had done all these things, turn thou unto me. But she returned not.
After only a week as his travel companion, I doubted that I could do what he had done.
There I was after a long day at work, downing a Red Bull in the hope of keeping my eyes open while my mind ran through what tasks I had achieved today and what needed to be done the following day.
George said that after the severe damage the Aldrich Ames case had done to the CIA, he would have to resign if I commuted Pollards sentence.
I went to my doctors, and after X rays, tests and lab work were done, they told me I had cancer.
I had no idea what that might be, nor did I know how to face her and say that after what she had done it was right that her short-and -medium-term future would be prison.
After the election I talked about it for hours with Anne Wexler, who had done a superb job as campaign manager.
I managed to obtain a copy of XMetal 3 only after I had examined all the other products discussed here; therefore I have not done a direct feature-by-feature comparison of XMetal with other tools.
After all was done, Father set out to Nanjing to hunt for a job, while I had to go back to Beijing to finish my education, so we went together.
There are hundreds that have had their accounts stolen from even after they have "Unsubscribed" from Free Lotto so I find it curious that law enforcement has done nothing on this scam.
I might have done it before now if I had not guessed what he was after, and been on my guard.
Soon after this, I felt a lump. I went to my doctors, and after X rays, tests and lab work were done, they told me I had cancer.
I thought we'd done the most difficult thing by getting the first goal but they equalised soon after and we had to keep going.
After the test I thought at first I had done very well, then quite well, and finally, poorly. I ran the gamut from confidence to despair.
Gen 41:21 But even after they ate them, no one could tell that they had done so; they looked just as ugly as before. Then I woke up.
After years of living in the same street, my neighbour and I had done no more than scrape up an acquaintance.
It was 12 weeks or so after I started your eating program before I had the endoscopy done and I described to the doctor first what the symptoms were.
After a while, my mother came back and she was so surprised and proud about what I had done. So was I. at that time, I was 12 years old.
I figured out that I had done enough for the both of them... I made up my mind to look after myself first.
After I became king, I finished what had been done by my father, and I added other works.
Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun.
Shortly after I came home from law school I had the chance to repay Marge for all she'd done for Mother and for me.
I didn't really think that was his way of trying to start things again. But I don't know. I just wish it had been done the day after I signed for real Madrid.
"The 200 fly I thought I had done better training (after Charlotte) but clearly I have not," Phelps said.
If anybody had told me a year ago that this place would be my home, that I should be spending month after month here, as I have done, I certainly should not have believed them.
What I can't face to is my unsatisfied mood when I am doing a work after had done for a period of time.
What I can't face to is my unsatisfied mood when I am doing a work after had done for a period of time.