After he finished shopping, it was time to make his first meal.
This is usually the main meal of the day, and a time for people to relax and enjoy a cooked meal with friends or family after a hard day at work.
At dinner time, I arrive home only to be surprised with a beautiful meal, hugs, and kisses, and I feel absorbed in feelings of love, arousal, and relief- we are O.K. after all.
Preferably, choose a time when you can watch the sunset after you have your romantic meal. This will be a terrific Valentine's Day date.
Whatever it is, take time to make the presentation amazing after all you just spent all this time preparing a fresh and tasty meal it should be presented that way.
Breath hydrogen test after a bean meal demonstrates delayed oro-cecal transit time in children with chronic constipation.
It takes up too much time and I really hate having to clean up after the meal.
After my evening meal, I still have a bit of time left to watch a little TV until about 10 o'clock, then I went to bed happily.
After seeing what happened, everyone was speechless and lost in thought, During the meal time, the group of people sat down in a circle and started to chat about what happened to the two mice.
The 2016 Chinese dietary guidelines were issued recently, in which fruit has for the first time been included in a meal, not only as an after meal dessert.
Pearl powder is a kind of natural and moderate health-care food. You just keep the principle of fixed time, fixed quantity and continuation. You can take it both before and after meal.
After the tour, arrange to visit Changping moist Jade Runzeju (40 minutes), then go to the friendship to foreign guests in Jindian restaurant lunch. (meal time: 1 hour).
Spaniards are laid-back and sociable, and this word describes the period of time after a meal when you have food-induced conversations with the people you have shared the meal with.
词汇含义:西班牙人悠闲自在、善于交际。这个词语描述的是一段时间。 这段时间里,你要与刚刚一起吃完饭的朋友就刚刚吃过的食物展开热烈的讨论。
Nonetheless, there is an excessive postprandial rise in plasma glucose concentration, and a longer time is required to restore normoglycemia after each meal.
Methods: We determined the fasting gallbladder volume and gallbladder volume at different time points after meal with real time ultrasonography.
After the tour, arrange to visit Changping moist Jade Runzeju (40 minutes), then go to the friendship to foreign guests in Jindian restaurant lunch. (meal time: 1 hour).
Methods the volume of sinus ventriculi in 54 FD children before and after ingesting a fluid meal was measured by ultrasonography, the half-time of liquid gastric emptying was further calculated.
The participants ate a prescribed meal for dinner, and then they were tested the next day after not having any breakfast. They were tested a second time after eating lunch.
The right time to eat fruits is in one hour before meal or in two hours after meal.
Fat remains in the proximal stomach for some time after a meal and also makes up a substantial amount of the cells lining the stomach, say the authors.
You can imagine after a meal in leisure time every morning to drink a cup of tea and how happy life!
So naturally, it's great for breakfast, after workouts, and any time that you're looking for an on-the-go meal.
So naturally, it's great for breakfast, after workouts, and any time that you're looking for an on-the-go meal.