He was charged with causing a disturbance after the game.
After the game, crowds of football fans piled out.
After the game both clubs lodged complaints about each other to Uefa.
After the game, all of the muscles in his arms and legs were aching.
People do say it's bad luck so you don't want any excuses after the game.
Glen: Christopher and I always go for hamburgers and fries after the game.
After the game against Tottenham, I couldn't do anything other than to call him.
Their versatility is why Bosh said after the game that no one can defend Wade and James.
My knee swelled up after the game against Catania at the weekend, but that was expected.
After the game we (reporter) learnt that the action he made was actually proposing to Xue Shen.
The fans always sing and hold up their scarves before and after the game - whether they have won or lost.
This is an obvious case of double standards and changing the rules of the game AFTER the game has started.
Anyway, after the game we get back to working on Rick's problem: adding support for a ton more instruments.
After the game has finished a stupid Tottenham fan runs on the field and throws a punch at Lampard who ducks.
A cold towel around his shoulders again after the game, he called for the trainer, who massaged his thighs with ice.
After the game, in the parking lot, Alan walked ten feet to his car and was randomly shot and killed by a gang member.
Then after the game has been out a week we intend to look at the actual usage figures and make any adjustments needed.
At the press conference held after the game, the football coach apologized to the fans for his team's poor performance.
After the game, Maradona said the goal was scored "a little with the head of Maradona and a little with the hand of God."
After the game was over, the participants were asked which of the other players they would be willing to have another round with.
But the controversial forward said after the game, 'I had contact with his shoulder, nothing more, things like that happen all the time.
Glen: Christopher and I always go for hamburgers and fries after the game. We "re crazy about fast food. Why don" t you and Yunbo join us?
"It was great to put the shirt back on," he told Chelsea TV after the game. "I really enjoyed it and there is nothing better than playing."
"Now I am thinking about working and returning to my level of play as soon as possible, it does not matter where, " Ronaldinho said after the game.
After the game we continued our conversation and I was so impressed by his attitude and poise that I offered to give him regular English lessons after school.
Polled after the game, the players didn't realize the Red Bull image apparently influenced their driving. Which suggests marketing doesn't just influence a brand's personality.
Polled after the game, the players didn't realize the Red Bull image apparently influenced their driving. Which suggests marketing doesn't just influence a brand's personality.