As they had a good deal of weeding to do after the rains they fell to work.
Clean water can be drawn for up to several months after the rains have fallen through pipes underneath the DAMS or by digging a hole in the sand.
In the case of something like crop insurance, moreover, it could put money in the hands of farmers immediately after the rains fail - and before the hunger sets in.
Such geological disasters destroyed forests and vegetation accumulated massive loose debris layer, which also can lead to large-scale mud-rock flows after the rains.
For the Pilgrims, Thanksgiving was intended to be a religious holiday of fasting and prayer, but only turned to a feast after the rains came during one such period in 1623.
After the winter rains, the stream becomes a raging torrent.
Things went from bad to worse in March 2015 after heavy rains damaged the only power cables in the area.
Who offered help to families after the heavy rains?
An Indian couple exchanged wedding vows by mobile phone after the bridegroom could not make it to the marriage ceremony because of torrential rains in western India.
Areas where wildfires or human modification of the land have destroyed vegetation on slopes are particularly vulnerable to landslides during and after heavy rains.
The day after the chipping debate, the rains continue.
Sichuan province to the south has also been affected, with 38 people still missing, after rains spread, triggering landslides.
The first September rains, after such violence and hardening, are like the liberated earth's first tears, as if for a few days this country tried its hand at tenderness.
Hurricane Earl is moving north after churning off the coast of North Carolina's Outer Banks, bringing rough seas, rains and powerful winds to large parts of the eastern United States.
They spring up quickly after rains, when the surface is moist. Then, for a brief time, the desert can be literally carpeted with color.
'We have lots of frogs around here,' he says. 'After it rains it's not unusual to find dozens of them at the doors and Windows.
Six weeks after torrential rains caused the Indus river to break its banks, inundating their mud-walled villages in Rajanpur, a district of southern Punjab, their anguish is not feigned.
Caracas, Venezuela: a man jumps from cars stranded after heavy rains from Tropical Storm Matthew lashed the northern regions of the country.
After three years of disastrous rains, the families from the Borana tribe, who by custom travel thousands of miles a year in search of water and pasture, have unanimously decided to settle down.
三年灾难性的大雨之后,这些来自博洛南部落(Borana tribe),为寻找水草而一年迁徙了几千里的家庭,不约而同地决定在这定居下来。
After the land has remained too dry for too long, she sends relieving rains, but frequently they come in torrents so violent that they do more harm than good.
When you look into a mirror in the morning to comb your hair, when you see a rainbow after it rains, in medical devices that save lives, as you read this page, as you see, optics is at work.
The avalanche danger is high in Alaska's capital city after steady rains and warmer temperatures.
They're blasting away at snow in Alaska. The avalanche danger is high in Alaska's capital city after steady rains and warmer temperatures. So far there are no orders to evacuate.
Hurricane Tomas caused heavy rains and flooding and some deaths. The number of cholera cases had been dropping last week but then rose sharply after the storm.
The "pond" is a depression which gathers the runoff from its immediate environs after the plentiful first rains about the time of the beginning of the school year.
After heavy rains or after snow melts in the spring, there will be more ground water, and the water table will be higher.
What we can predict in the future is that on-line shopping is not going to fade away, instead, it will boost like the mushrooms after spring rains.
What we can predict in the future is that on-line shopping is not going to fade away, instead, it will boost like the mushrooms after spring rains.