That sounds like Facebook Connect, but I'm going to guess that Twitter will not prohibit developers from caching that data for time-shifted, aggregate, offline or other interesting types of analysis.
这看起来有点像Facebook连接,但是我猜想t witter将不会禁止开发者缓存数据,以用来时移,聚合,离线或是其他有趣的分析。
The role of the data-movement functions is shown in Figure 4 as it relates to the types involved for copy (simple vs. aggregate).
当数据移动函数的规则涉及到复制调用的类型时(简单VS.聚集),这些函数的作用如图4 所示。
The role of the data-movement functions is shown in Figure 4 as it relates to the types involved for copy (simple vs. aggregate).
当数据移动函数的规则涉及到复制调用的类型时(简单VS.聚集),这些函数的作用如图4 所示。