As a consequence, the area has implemented extreme conservation measures, including aggressive water-rationing policies and lawn-watering bans.
After several years of drought between 2005 and 2007, the Bay Area, which represents more than 3.7 million people, was forced to adopt aggressive water usage restrictions.
Scientists have found a possibly harmful fungus that grows in dishwashers, surviving high temperatures, aggressive doses of detergents and rinsing salts and both acid and alkaline types of water.
To keep up a sufficient water supply, Phoenix is adopting an aggressive campaign to recycle water, replenish groundwater and try to dissuade over-consumption.
But they're highly susceptible to modern-day threats such as changing water temperatures, pollution and aggressive fishing practices.
So if the "no escape" is aggressive battle, then "the clouds above, under the water" can be considered a escapism loring, utopia.
Pat Mulroy has been getting her way in many aggressive legal actions and, so far, has lost only one big one, after she had laid claim to unused water rights in four counties.
They are known to occasionally jump out of the water but are not aggressive and use the venomous barb at the end of their tail as a defense mechanism.
These features suggest that higher fracture permeability and aggressive allogenic water percolating down the fissures are two important factors for the development of stone forests.
It is concluded that the high dip fracture systems and the aggressive allogenic water are two major control factors for the development of the Stone Forest to form dramatic and spectacular landscape.
The Series P72 Flowmeters are suited for water treatment facilities that deal with these aggressive types of gases and fluids.
The Series P72 Flowmeters are suited for water treatment facilities that deal with these aggressive types of gases and fluids.