We may discuss to agree upon a temporary arbitral body when needed.
The first step in the process was to identify and agree upon a common data format.
Let's now agree upon the definition we will use for Agile and Agility for the rest of this paper.
Then and only then, Rawls argues, could a governing body agree upon truly fair principles of justice.
It is something we can all agree upon that Michael Jordan is the best basketball player in the world.
As with any XML integration project, both the sender and the receiver need to agree upon a common schema.
Of course, the notion of what is good code - let alone great code - is one that not all developers will agree upon.
Individuals specialize in producing different goods or services, and then exchanging these goods on terms they agree upon.
The omission of owner-occupier housing costs in the CPI should be rectified once European states agree upon a common approach.
Before embarking on any customer interaction like a beta program, we need to define and agree upon the goal and success criteria.
在着手任何用户交互,如Be ta版程序之前,我们需要定义并对目标和成功标准达成一致。
And this isn't necessarily bad, but we need to understand and agree upon the reason and success criteria for any given beta cycle.
然而这不一定糟糕,但我们需要了解并对任何已知的Be ta版循环的原因和成功标准意见一致。
If there are multiple provider teams for the same service, they must coordinate to produce one mock service that they all agree upon.
In order for the service consumer and provider to communicate successfully, they both have to agree upon all of the above parameters.
This makes clear that the organization must understand and agree upon the needs for the introduction of portfolio management practices.
Any member of the project team can suggest terms for the analyst to add to the glossary, but the entire team must agree upon the terms' definitions.
One thing everyone can agree upon though is that all the biggest billionaires have so much money that they have earned their spots in the spotlight.
That is one of the two chief problems with beauty - the inability to give a clear and concise definition that everyone can understand and agree upon.
According to Contract Law of PRC and other regulations, the two parties through consultation hereby agree upon, and shall be bound by, the following terms.
Article 35 shareholders shall distribute dividends in proportion to the capital contribution actually made, unless all shareholders agree upon otherwise.
Even if they can agree upon the existence of the light bulb they still may not change it to keep from alienating those who might use other forms of light.
You put your copywriting partner in touch with your client and recommend their services. Then, ask your copywriting partner to agree upon a referral commission.
Pursuant to Article 35 of the Labor Contract Law, an Employer and an employee may amend the provisions of the labor contract if they so agree upon consultation.
To alleviate this, you must strike a compromise so that parallel deployment is minimized; for example, your application teams could agree upon a deployment schedule.
This moderate approach may be one of the secrets of success: leaving out everything the audience might not agree upon and providing a stable solution for the consensus only.
This moderate approach may be one of the secrets of success: leaving out everything the audience might not agree upon and providing a stable solution for the consensus only.