I agree with you about the plan for the picnic.
But you won't find that somehow, everyone suddenly starts to agree with you about everything!
You will learn to talk about problems and be more patient with people you don't agree with—a friend, or a mate in your workroom or company.
Well, hey—Ican’t say I agree with you for the most part—and I’d argue with you if we hadmore time—but what you say about what we lose is pretty intriguing.
You might agree with some of these points, and disagree with others, but you should definitely think more deeply about how you use XML in your own applications.
Although you might not always agree with his philosophy, his explanations encourage you to think critically about your own work and the processes you use.
You agree about the work stress, but want to be by the ocean and don’t want all the work involved with camping.
You can agree with someones comment about the weather with a simple response: Yes, it is.
Not everyone will agree with what I'm about to say, but I guess you wouldn't be reading my MS if we didn't have something in common.
You may not agree with everything Friedman says, but you will certainly gain new insights about the globalization that is taking place in every industry today.
Topics and thesis statements should be creative. Remember, you cannot persuade an audience if they already agree with you. You should not write about topics that everyone knows about.
"You agree with me then," I said, "that this is the second type or form in which we should write and speak about divine things."
I can't agree with you more about winning over the respect, and furthermore, before winning respect from others, we need to check on ourselves and find out what the problems are.
Do you agree with my conclusions or do you have a different opinion about this? Please share!
Don't you agree with me that in the long run. moderate prices we bring about large sales and more profit?
Don't you agree with me that in the long run, moderate prices will bring about large sales and more profit?
All women will say that they are overweight, but you don't agree with them about it.
Xavier: I don't think those people you're about to hit would agree with you.
I don't agree with the idea that the futureis unknowable. There's a lot you can have conviction about that will happen orthat you can make come true.
The problem is that I want a formal and written statement about the Committee's letting my graduation paper pass and you don't agree with this justified requirement.
I know you've written some about checked exceptions too, and you tend to agree with our line of thinking.
我知道你也写了一些关于受控异常的资料,你应该 会同意我的看法。
Have you ever thought about how many different words and expressions there are to agree with someone's opinion about something?
We don't agree with you that it is a mere trifle not worth bothering about.
That's an intersting idea, for the most part I agree with you , but I have my doubts about a couple of points.
That's an intersting idea, for the most part I agree with you , but I have my doubts about a couple of points.