Mr Muasher confirmed the agreed text with Ms Cleveland in ane-mail, a copy of which has been seen by the FT, and its authenticity has been attested to by two bank officials.
The text on the Kyoto protocol that was agreed in cancun talks positively about the second commitment period in principle.
He wished to comment, and agreed to me adding this text.
Connie Hedegaard said it is very important to set the deadline "as soon as possible" in the text to be agreed upon in the Danish capital.
The monastery agreed to collaborate only after making clear that by doing so it was not compromising its claim to be the moral owner of the whole text, known as the Codex Sinaiticus;
Seventy per cent of women said they would rather receive a love letter or poem than a text message or email, while 53 per cent of men agreed.
All the data since the last backup was lost, including the only known copy of the text of my wedding ceremony. (we still don't know what we agreed to.)
All Rights Reserved. If for other use, must Agreed By the writer. Citing this text, please claim the writer's name.
Officials said Monday that the U. s. and Russia have agreed on the text of an outline deal to cut weapons.
I regret the speech was not filmed so we can post it here. However, Adam kindly agreed to type his speech for us. I have posted the text of the speech below. I greatly encourage you to read it.
This text agrees that when a right to use the space is to be established, which need to be agreed by ones who are entitled, on the basis of which to define the relation of the right to using the sp…
Abstract: it's agreed that translation should transfer the original text as faithfully and correctly as possible.
Mary statement said Wang Xueming often express their love in a text message, she also agreed.
Mary statement said Wang Xueming often express their love in a text message, she also agreed.