This Protocol, which shall include the commitments referred to in paragraph 342 of the Working Party Report, shall be an integral part of the WTO Agreement.
The WTO Agreement to which China accedes shall be the WTO Agreement as rectified, amended or otherwise modified by such legal instruments as may have entered into force before the date of accession.
Members of the Working Party agreed that this notification did not prejudge the legal status under the WTO Agreement of the nature or effects of the notified laws, regulations and other SPS measures.
Upon accession, China accedes to the WTO Agreement pursuant to Article XII of that Agreement and thereby becomes a Member of the WTO.
In accordance with the Agreement of the Commitments on accession to the WTO, China introduced the system of temporary restraining order into the intellectual property protection field.
The second section analyzes the space of supporting and protecting agriculture after entering the WTO, according to "the WTO agriculture Agreement" and our promises.
In the views of these members, bringing the Chinese anti-dumping rules into compliance with the WTO Agreement on its face was not sufficient.
Coordinately, the WTO should ameliorate "TBT Agreement" in order to mitigate the malignant effects of TBT on international trade.
Fortunately, the Agreement on Agriculture of WTO concluded by the Uruguay Round Talks changed this situation.
As the member of WTO, China comply with SCM agreement becoming reality.
With the joining of WTO agreement, the internationalized process of the insurance of our country must be accelerated.
He further stated that the establishment of value of imports would be based on the information collected by the Customs authorities and provisions of the WTO Customs Valuation Agreement.
The WTO and several international organizations have carried out numerous workshops to increase the understanding of the agreement.
After entered into WTO in 2001, the export of China's textile industry increased significantly, with the benefit of the quota removal stipulated by the Agreement on textile and Apparel.
Just for the reason, in the frame of WTO "anti-dumping Agreement", China must strengthen anti-dumping dynamics, in order to create a fair competition environment for domestic industry.
The acceptance and entry into force of a Plurilateral Trade Agreement included in Annex 4 of the WTO Agreement shall be governed by the provisions of that Plurilateral Trade Agreement .
WTO Anti-dumping agreement is the core of WTO Anti-agreement legal systems.
After the China's agreement on WTO with America and European Union, the date of China's entry of WTO is more and more near.
The first part of the article included the background and main content of the WTO Valuation Agreement.
Agreement of safeguard Measurement of WTO offers some means to protect industry safety of its members, and also leads to the dispute of safeguard measures.
It is necessary for standard of judicial judgment to be compatible with the WTO rules, to adapt to the world trade agreement, and to obey the rules of conflict-solving...
Chapter II: It's good for customs valuation procedure in China to study the international customs valuation rules, especially the Agreement of customs valuation of WTO.
This thesis analyzes and probes into the clauses of WTO Agreement relevant to China's publishing industry.
This exemption is limited to measures taken under legislation described above that is notified and specified prior to the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement.
China, together with other WTO members, has done a lot of work to spur substantial progress to reach early agreement among the negotiators.
The group will be established immediately after the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement.
SCM Agreement ", the abbreviated form of Agreement on subsidies and Countervailing Measures, fights and restricts the specialized subsidies, it has binding forces on all members of WTO."
SCM Agreement ", the abbreviated form of Agreement on subsidies and Countervailing Measures, fights and restricts the specialized subsidies, it has binding forces on all members of WTO."