A third function of intuition is to synthesize isolated bits of data and practice into an integrated picture, often in an "Aha!" experience.
You can stumble upon one idea in a book that gives you an AHA moment, and hence lead to a transformational experience.
“Aha” experience – Alan Cooper
International Circulation: Professor Hu, how about your experience here at AHA 2009, can you talk about some sessions that you thought were very informative or very useful as a Chinese cardiologist?
《国际循环》:胡教授,您对AHA 2009的体验如何,作为中国的心血管专家,您认为哪些会议内容更丰富,或有实用价值?
When it works, it is a creative experience that generates a heartfelt 'Aha' … and leads to strategic insights beyond the mind's reach.
If you are still struggling to achieve consistent performance, you might experience some aha moment reading through this book.
If you are still struggling to achieve consistent performance, you might experience some aha moment reading through this book.