Usage: suitable for air tight seal welding with pressure protection of microwave device, sensor, filter and components that used on spaceflight and guided missile that have high requirement.
The glass or plastic cups are placed on the skin, and the suction device removes air. This creates a tight seal.
Unfortunately, this air-tight seal is often hard to maintain, especially if passengers want to walk between cars.
This review gives working mechanism of disc reactor shaft seal and points out the major factors that could improve air-tight seal effect. Besides it introduces some improvements on shaft seal.
By surrounding a gas-tight, pattented V-Seal with two compressed knitted wire mesh air gap spacers, the connection is made by simply sliding one section of pipe over another.
The commonly used hydraulic seal test and air-tight test for the closed plastic container need to drill a hole on the container body. After test, the container is wasted.
The soft sealant forms an air tight seal between the base and the cover when the soft sealant is cured.
The soft sealant forms an air tight seal between the base and the cover when the soft sealant is cured.