Then an air ambulance helicopter arrived and the baby was taken to hospital.
The United Arab Emirates provided an air ambulance for Yousafzai's trip abroad.
Under this context, you will not be surprised there is air ambulance service in the market now.
He has his job as an Air Ambulance pilot, which he enjoys very much, but he also wants to take on more royal duties, as does the Duchess.
The three inventors claim their flying machine could be used for inspecting pipelines, as an air ambulance or for taking aerial photographs - as well as just for fun.
A few months ago, I saw inspiration of a different kind when Iopened the new Cambridge base of the East Anglian Air Ambulance, where Prince William works as a helicopter pilot.
A few months ago, I saw inspiration of a different kind when I opened the new Cambridge base of the East Anglian Air Ambulance, where Prince William works as a helicopter pilot.
A few months ago, I saw inspiration of a different kind when I opened the new Cambridge base of the East Anglian Air Ambulance, where Prince William works as a helicopter pilot.
I don't know exactly who they were or what age they were. One has been transported by an air ambulance to a local hospital and the other person refused any further treatment at the scene.
General aviation also enables helicopter rescue and ambulance services, air taxis and easier maintenance of power lines, pipelines and other infrastructure in far-flung places.
The simulation of the air distribution in theisolation ambulance was carried on by the similar way.
Her crew partner for the day, Tom, leaned on the air horn and tried to manoeuvre the ambulance through a narrow gap.
Her crew partner for the day, Tom, leaned on the air horn and tried to manoeuvre the ambulance through a narrow gap.