The development program is expected to start in 2008 and will run parallel to the U.S. Air Force and Air National Guard F-15C AESA program already in progress.
开发计划预计于2008年启动,将与美国空军和空中国民警卫队F - 15 C同步进行。AESA项目也在进展中。
Since becoming involved in the C-130J program as an Air National Guard operator more than seven years ago, I have endured opinions about how good or how bad the aircraft is.
Military fuel facility, TT5000 monitors approximated 4500 feet of 12 "stainless steel hydrant piping used by Kansas Air National Guard for KC-135 Aerial Refueling Squadron."
军用燃料设施,TT 5000监控大约4500英尺的12号不锈钢消防管道。堪萨斯州空军国民警卫队用这些管道给航空燃料补给中队提供燃料。
It is likely that Raytheon will use the APG-63, because it was designed specifically for the F-15 and has already been sold to equip F-15s for Singapore and the U.S. Air National Guard.
雷声公司很可能将采用APG- 63,因为它是专门为F - 15设计的,并且已经卖给新加坡和美国空军国民警卫队用来装备F - 15s。
Planning for the Operational Utility Evaluation (OUE) began in early 2010 and on Nov. 17, the Air National Guard began modifying a KC-135 based on plans and drawings provided by Northrop Grumman.
该系统的业务效用评估(OUE)规划在2010年初已经开始,11月17日美国空军国民警卫队开始基于诺斯罗普·格鲁门公司提供的计划和图纸改装一架KC- 135加油机。
The aircraft belonged to Elmendorf's 3rd Wing but officials wouldn't address whether the crew was air Force, Alaska National Guard, or a mix.
The aircraft belonged to Elmendorf's 3rd Wing but officials wouldn't address whether the crew was air Force, Alaska National Guard, or a mix.