Air Products recommends specific washer materials for certain applications.
Air Products为特定的应用推荐了专门的垫圈材料。
All JUN-AIR products are supplied with a comprehensive "Operating manual" booklet.
所有的JUN - AIR产品都随机配有一本综合的操作手册。
For general drawings consult the Air Products "Specialty Gases and Equipment Catalog."
要知道草图可以参考Air Products的“特种气体和装置目录”。
Air Products claims that worldwide production of nitrogen trifluoride has reached 7, 300 metric tons.
Air Products is also the world's leading supplier of liquefied natural gas process technology and equipment.
Air Products set up shop to deliver ultra-pure nitrogen, vital to chip making, to Intel down a two-foot-wide pipe.
We know air technology and how to build quality air products because we've been involved in the industry since 1920.
Air Products has sponsored research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study the reactivity of NF3 in the atmosphere.
Air Products已经在麻省理工学院赞助了在空气中nf3的的反应活性的研究。
In a market like India, OTAs have heavily focused on air products but over the last couple of years, such intermediaries have been trying to work on their hotel inventory and booking platforms.
Finally, the refining and burning of petroleum and its products can cause air pollution.
Transporting fruits and vegetables by air enables consumers to enjoy a wider variety of fresh farm products that are in season from all over the world.
Sun Wukong's somersault cloud and Nezha's Wind Fire Wheels are products of fantasy bearing humanity's dream to fly through the air.
Fantasy—Sun Wukong's somersault cloud and Nezha's Wind Fire Wheels are products of fantasy bearing humanity's dream to fly through the air.
Those who build software for air traffic control systems, for example, need certain work products to ensure multiple reliability checks, regulatory compliance, and so forth.
In addition, new types of textile machines, refrigerators and air compressors, mini vans, luxury bus and other products are of a certain scale.
Such products, known as “structured credit”, encourage liquidity, partly because they can be created out of thin air.
Toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can evaporate from many conventional building, decorating and other household products, including air freshener sprays.
One of the new products, a red notebook called the IdeaPad U110, borrows features from the ThinkPad, including an air-bag-like device that is designed to protect data during a fall.
ii. Tap water, heating, air conditioning, hot water, coal gas, lipuefied petroleum gas, naturalgas, methane gas, coal/charcoal products for household use;
However, Khosrowshahi said the move had increased demand for air travel and given Expedia the chance to sell higher-margin products and add-ons.
The management of poultry by-products focuses on soil, water and air quality issues.
Make up, perfume and skincare products used after the expiry date carry a risk of irritation and infection, Debenhams said. This is due to air and bacteria infiltrating the products.
Radon escapes easily from the ground into the air, where it disintegrates through short-lived decay products called radon progeny.
All paper products on the assembly line are covered in plastic to make certain that even the small fibers that might break away from the pages can't escape into the air.
These Indoor Air Quality products are manufactured in the United States in Sanford, NC and in Suzhou, China.
These Indoor Air Quality products are manufactured in the United States in Sanford, NC and in Suzhou, China.