Frozen type air dryer by lowering the temperature of compressed air to close to the freezing point of water, that extra water vapor condense into liquid water, thus and flow separation.
Within about a millimeter of the water, air temperature is close to that of the surface water, and the air is nearly saturated with water vapor.
Since a plant uses it up in the air around, the plant needs moving air to bring more CO2 close to its surface!
The English youngster noticed that pollution levels are around two-thirds higher close to the ground than they are in the air at the height where they are recorded by the agency.
If we tend to fall asleep, we just close our laptop, a pillow gets filled with warm air, music is being played and after 10 minutes the alarm clock rings.
Without his expert marksmanship and accurate description of the area, the JTAC would not have been able to provide accurate grid locations for close air support.
Ice crystals should be plate shaped. They float in the air close to the ground reflecting light back downwards.
But air quality remains such a large problem that officials are also preparing contingency plans that could force factories across much of northern China to close temporarily if conditions warrant.
Thus, in Magdalena Medio, staying on the air means walking the line between safe and unsafe discourse—remaining close to the flame without getting burned.
In part, this is because of the robust mechanics of turboprops and in part because Air Tractor's fuel tanks have rubber membranes which close around bullet holes to slow leaks.
But later this year it will close, a casualty of the drive to improve Beijing's air quality for the Olympics.
Close to shore, a vessel hovers in the gloom like a ghost ship suspended in mid-air.
They can fill trucks for frequent shipment in markets close to production and ship larger quantities by air to more distant stores.
The still air keeps the smoke close to the surface, exacerbating its malign effects on health.
We're still close enough to the summer that the air is not just filling us up with extra static electricity, so it's a little more challenging here.
Analysts have portrayed Kyrgyzstan's decision this week to close the last remaining US air base in Central Asia - vital for operations in Afghanistan - as being the work of the Kremlin.
The only thing that comforted me to close my eyes was hearing the air support over us.
But there is now an unmistakable feeling in the Italian air of an era drawing to a close.
Some casualties were accidentally caused by air strikes, but many also are said to involve British troops firing on unarmed drivers or motorcyclists who come "too close" to convoys or patrols.
Later I learn that a fog detector close to the top of the lighthouse measures the amount of moisture in the air.
Norwegian F-16 fighter jets scrambled 39 times in 2009 in response to Russian air Force activities close to Norwegian airspace.
2009年,挪威的F - 16战斗机紧急起飞39次,响应俄罗斯接近挪威领空的空军活动。
But on the ground, his officials say, the share of firefights involving close air support has already fallen from 35% to 17% in the past month.
It calls for Xcel Energy to close four coal-fired units in the region, switch another to natural gas and build a gas-fired plant to help meet federal clean-air standards.
In hiccupping, we use ancient muscles to quickly close the glottis while sucking in (albeit air, not water).
In part this is because of the turboprops' robust design, and in part because Air Tractor's fuel tanks have rubber membranes which close around bullet holes to slow leaks.
Debris was thrown up two 60ft into the air from the area close to the Canary Islands which has had more than 10, 000 tremors in four months.
Last year Mr Bakiyev extracted a $2 billion aid package from Russia in exchange for a promise to close an American military air base in Kyrgyzstan, as Russia insisted.
Last year Mr Bakiyev extracted a $2 billion aid package from Russia in exchange for a promise to close an American military air base in Kyrgyzstan, as Russia insisted.