On the other hand, air turbulence increases because of the effect of skyscrapers on airflow.
How often does severe clear air turbulence occur over tropical oceans?
A simple method of suppression of laser drift caused by air turbulence is put forward in the paper.
The flight, which hit severe clear air turbulence at 29,000 feet, 420 nautical miles southeast of St.
The influence of clear air turbulence to the aviation flight safety, is attaching more and more attention.
This will help air turbulence formation facilitating exhaustion in addition to lowering kitchen temperature.
The Reynolds number is widely used by meteorologists and atmospheric physicists in calculations of air turbulence.
Seeing conditions (or air turbulence) is the single most important factor that degrades image contrast and planetary detail.
The strong clear air turbulence is the outburst gale which takes place at the seashore area in winter and often causes the disastrous nautical accidents.
The pioneering chaos theorist Benoit Mandelbrot found that annual flood levels of the Nile follow this pattern; others have observed it in music and air turbulence.
An adaptive phase shifting interferometry, which is insensitive to the uniform optical path difference induced by environment vibration and air turbulence, is studied.
An adaptive phase shifting interferometry, insensitive to the disturbance of constant term of phase perturbations induced by environmental vibration and air turbulence is discussed.
This was followed by the generating units outstanding features: separation of the inlet and exhaust design, to avoid air turbulence, making more air circulation smooth, quiet better.
The atmosphere attenuation to 650 nm light and the dot whipping caused by air turbulence were analyzed. The signal transmission waveform and communication eye diagram of the system were recorded.
The cause appears to be in part greater turbulence in the urban atmosphere as hot air rises from the built-up surface.
The air is mixed by means of turbulence that depends on the wind for its energy.
As soon as you uncork a bottle, CO2 starts diffusing from the champagne into the air. But pouring it speeds up that process, by increasing surface area and turbulence.
The pilots lost contact with air traffic controllers while flying across an area of the Atlantic Ocean known for constant bands of severe turbulence.
Disrupted air, where the flow 'separates' from the body, creates turbulence which creates drag - which slows the car down.
Travelling through air and turbulence can disperse the energy of the beam.
The 'barge boards' fitted to the sides of cars also helped to shape the flow of the air and minimise the amount of turbulence.
Environmental impact assessment, air quality modeling, atmospheric turbulence, air pollution simulating and other wind engineering simulation with wind tunnel.
The flame front structures of the methane/air premixed flames are observed by using OH- PLIF method in the different conditions of equivalence ratio and inlet turbulence intensity.
Detailed mean flow and turbulence measurements of a turbulent air slot jet impinging semi-circular convex surface were experimentally investigated.
The authors suggest that the turbulence generated by the turbine rotors, which can enhance the vertical mixing of warm and cold air, leads to the observed effect.
Air France officials believe the plane may have been hit by lightning after passing through a storm and encountering heavy turbulence.
Unfortunately, however, this unpredictable phenomenon also causes turbulence, and means that a solar plane has to climb high in the air to get the energy-efficient smooth ride that it needs.
The shaft kiln can form eddying turbulence in a kiln chamber through utilizing pressurized air flow, and makes the material have even heating.
The shaft kiln can form eddying turbulence in a kiln chamber through utilizing pressurized air flow, and makes the material have even heating.