Therefore the airplane mode can't be switched off since you can't connect to it.
The simplest solution is to put your phone into airplane mode the moment your vacation begins.
No, the whole idea of the airplane mode is that the phone is not sending or receiving anything.
After opening the application on the iPhone, save the Bookmark and go in the offline airplane mode.
Airplane Mode, an option that will turn off all wireless features, is a quick and easy solution in areas with poor reception.
Turning on Airplane Mode can increase battery life in these situations; however, you will be unable to make or receive calls.
Trusting a phone that has been hacked to go into airplane mode is like trusting a drunk person to judge if they are sober enough to drive.
Airplane mode (or flight mode) means someone cuts themselves off from the world by not logging on to social networking sites or checking their cell phones.
She's toting designer luggage (and needs your help storing it), expects everyone on the plane to work for her and is the last to switch her cell phone into Airplane mode.
It would be great if you could open an app by voice (“Open Angry Birds”) instead of hunting through 11 screens, or turn on Airplane Mode by voice, or display a certain set of photos.
如果你能通过语音就能打开一个软件(比如说,愤怒的小鸟),而不是通过在11个屏幕中翻来翻去的查找这个软件,那就更不得了了。 你也可以通过语音把手机设置成飞行模式或者要求它显示一组照片。
In this paper, the method of planning and program of management mode of internal airplane model engineering is discussed including strategy planning, feasibility analysis and multi-level program.
Because airplanes used to be seen not merely a mode of transportation, but also as a symbol of high social status, it used to be a true honor to work on an airplane.
Recently, the airplane has become our mode of transportation as we venture beyond the confines of China to see the world.
An integral sliding mode control scheme was proposed for lateral mode of airplane.
An integral sliding mode control scheme was proposed for lateral mode of airplane.