This airport makes a point of catering to VIPs by coordinating on-the-ground limousine service, event planning and access to a VIP lounge.
A black stretch limousine was waiting for him at the capital's Reagan National airport, something he seldom rode in during the long election campaign, not wanting to be seen as presumptive.
The Pope had just finished a tour of the East Coast and was taking a limousine to the airport.
The driver who picked up guest at the airport in a limousine, works for such a resort hotel.
The limousine of the airport does not come on a regular schedule. We must reserve it for you.
We booked limousine service via the hotel, and so top notch service began from the moment we exited from airport customs.
Pick up procedure from Airport: Our limousine representative will be delighted to assist you upon the arrival.
Ensures daily departing time of due-out guests and arranges for taxis, shuttle arrangements and limousine services to the airport if required.
What kind information we should get from a guest when guest need Airport Transfer &Limousine Booking service?
Two days prior to guest's arrival, Reservation Manager should print out a list of Airport Pick-up Request from computer and check against the completed Limousine Request form.
Five days later, Kevin exited Newark Airport through an automated tornado of revolving glass, just as a Mercedes limousine slid to a stop in the passenger pickup lane in front of him.
Other than the lines above, we have some limousine buses run from major cities to Kansai Airport.
Other than the lines above, we have some limousine buses run from major cities to Kansai Airport.