Al gore calls global warming an "inconvenient truth," as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a solution.
Remember how, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Al Gore claimed that we were in store for ever more destructive hurricanes?
The cabinet and staff seemed to understand and tolerate my occasional flare-ups, and al Gore helped me get through them.
An effective way of building the structure of your presentation is to imagine yourself answering the audience's questions. This is what al Gore did in his latest TED talk.
Yesterday I asked Nancy Duarte a few questions about working with Al Gore. Here's what she said.
After the event, my family flew to England to stay with the Blairs at Chequers and listen to Al Gore give his concession speech.
I made the announcement with Al Gore on the edge of the Grand Canyon, which Theodore Roosevelt had first protected under the Antiquities Act.
Over the next few days, Al Gore, the cabinet members, and I fanned out across the country to sell it.
He promoted them on his show, the Colbert Report, and successfully badgered celebrities such as Matt Lauer, Arianna Huffington and Al Gore into wearing them in public.
I turned to Al Gore, who was sitting in his customary seat behind me, explained the problem, and asked him to get George Stephanopoulos to fix it.
UKIP is proud of its own climate scepticism, and says it would repeal the 2008 climate Change Act, remove al Gore DVDs from schools, allow wind turbines only offshore, and so on.
Al Gore, in his acclaimed documentary An Inconvenient Truth, makes the case for the harmful effect of increased carbon emissions with considerable impact.
Climate change campaigner al Gore believes turning vegetarian could aid the battle against global warming.
Then I argued for Al Gore, emphasizing his strong convictions, good ideas, understanding of the future, and fundamental decency.
Somebody created that propaganda email about things Ollie North and Al Gore never said in the Iran-Contra hearings.
Bill Clinton, al Gore, and Bill Gates all died in a plane crash and went to meet their maker.
In front of Dole, Armey, Daschle, Gephardt, Panetta, and Al Gore, he said frankly, We made a mistake.
Al Gore may be universally admired in Europe, but in America he remains a divisive figure.
Al Gore and George W. Bush had both won handily in Iowa, as expected.
Among the speakers were Senators Sam Nunn, John Glenn, Chuck Robb, Joe Lieberman, John Breaux, Jay Rockefeller, and Al Gore.
But in 2000 Al Gore injected a strongly populist tone into his campaign.
I've read what Al Gore has to say. I've seen his movie, An Inconvenient Truth.
There are plenty of anecdotal signs of change: Britain's pro-business Tories have turned green; Al Gore is back in fashion in America; hybrid cars no longer get stared at.
Mr DiIulio advised both Al Gore and Mr Bush.
The act increased competition, innovation, and access to what Al Gore had dubbed the information superhighway.
The negotiations were launched by Al Gore and conducted by Charlene Barshefsky.
“Al Gore calls global warming an existential risk to humanity, yet it hasn’t prompted him to change his diet or even mention vegetarianism, ” he complained.
The personal appeal from Obama caps a weeklong PR offensive - joined later tonight by Al Gore who had a conference call scheduled with tens of thousands of his supporters.
The personal appeal from Obama caps a weeklong PR offensive - joined later tonight by Al Gore who had a conference call scheduled with tens of thousands of his supporters.