The Sahara is a highly diverse, albeit dry, region that has undergone major climatic changes since 10,000 B.C.
She is proud that several sculptures have even gone on display again, albeit sometimes beneath protective cases.
The UCSB group used more conventional electrical circuits, albeit ones that must be cooled almost to absolute zero to make them superconducting and activate their quantum behavior.
Many funders seems to create incentives - albeit unintentionally - that encourage organizations to distort their costs.
China is also the only economy of any size that is actually still growing, albeit at a subprime (no pun intended) 6-8 per cent.
中国还是任何规模的经济体中唯一仍在增长的一个,尽管增速已降至“次一级的”(并非有意的双关语)6% - 8%。
If that turns out to be the case, it will strengthen the idea that, albeit unwillingly, Ashkenazi Jews have been part of an accidental experiment in eugenics. It has brought them some advantages.
The glass towers of the City of London have more in common with the multinational benches of a top-flight football club, with all the footloose selfishness that implies (albeit with fewer tattoos).
Instead, these data (albeit based on only ten animals) do suggest that only those animals which are in close contact with people act as reservoirs.
But UX is not only about human-computer interaction (HCI), usability or IA, albeit usability probably is the most important factor that shapes UX.
But that is just one, albeit critical, element of a civil-military strategy that is far from proving itself.
Like so many wartime marriages, theirs was a wholly predictable failure, albeit one that endured after a fashion for 17 years.
Young thugs who are willing to serve as muscle get a job, albeit a low-paying one, that significantly reduces their life expectancy.
The irony is that these socially oblivious, albeit honest assessors usually don't take criticism well themselves.
After all, the beauty of number-crunchers is that they produce trading strategies and reports that appear delightfully - albeit deceptively - precise.
Signs of anything similar in a species that, albeit a close-ish relative, parted company from the line leading to humans at least 5m years ago are therefore interesting.
The third option is also simple, albeit something that the W3C folks really should have put into the specification. Listing 5 gives a simple boolean type definition
Crude oil traded at $10 a barrel 10 years ago. It is $135 today, with predictions (albeit by speculators) that it may go as high as $200 – or down to $60.
The internet is just another reference source, albeit one on steroids that sucks up content so fast that little of it ever gets peer reviewed.
Like the Browser request Handler, the Resource request Handler provides an interface to, albeit, different clients, and requests that the Business Logic Layer handle the processing.
Plenty of experiments, albeit accidental ones, have already demonstrated that subtracting even one species can change an eco-system.
You know I don’t think I was quite as sad as that, albeit maybe I was and he perceived that and I didn’t.
The continuing thirst for dollar assets, albeit of the right sort, suggests that America remains a magnet for global capital.
Its verdict on both plans was damning; its threat that bankruptcy, albeit of a "quick and surgical kind", could still be the best option, was unambiguous.
Browsing. Like a rabbit, albeit a rabbit in charge of a restaurant that has set the culinary world abuzz.
Ronaldinho showed all the vision and creative flair of old, albeit still without the explosiveness that marked his best years.
That sent the wheels of justice turning, albeit slowly and creakily.
That sent the wheels of justice turning, albeit slowly and creakily.