In fact there are about 500 SUNS that go round Alcyone.
Planet X drags us around Alcyone every roughly 26,000 years.
In the case of Our sun and solar system, Our central star of Alcyone of Pleiades.
The brightest Pleiades star, Alcyone, is some 700 to 800 times brighter than our sun.
其中最为明亮的星星,金牛座的昴宿六,其亮度甚至是咱太阳的700 - 800倍。
History of Mankind 8: Alcyone library Discover Book of Creation - Book of Ani! Development of Human vessel must hurry!
人类歴史8 !亚克·安娜发现硑究记事簿!急需开发人类器皿!
If this star's ultraviolet radiation (which the human eye can't see) is included, that makes Alcyone a couple thousand times brighter.
If this star's ultraviolet radiation (which the human eye can't see) is included, that makes Alcyone a couple thousand times brighter.