George Washington, who saw how private debt plagued Southern planters, had to be persuaded by Alexander Hamilton to embrace public debt as a kind of financial cement for the new republic.
Many of the early hotels were built or sponsored by federalists-the party of merchants and businessmen founded by Alexander Hamilton.
The Bank of New York Mellon's origins go back to 1784, when it was founded by Alexander Hamilton.
纽约银行梅隆公司(Bankof New Yor Mellon ' s)于1784年由亚历山大·汉密尔顿创建。
He cites Alexander Hamilton, who wrote that human beings are "ambitious, vindictive, and rapacious."
America's Founding Fathers, especially James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, backed the Romans.
Many people believed he was being hypocritical by doing something he surely would have argued against with Alexander Hamilton.
But Alexander Hamilton, sitting in his law office in New York City, did not lose hope.
The drive is being encouraged by a group called the Hamilton Electors, named after Alexander Hamilton, a U.
Then they went to Alexander Hamilton for orders.
Ambitious young men during this period, such as George Washington and Alexander Hamilton, adopted the manners of the elite.
This split echoes in some ways the debates in America's early days between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson over urban and rural interests.
On earth there is nothing great but man; in the man there is nothing but mind. —Alexander Hamilton, founding father of America.
地球上人最伟大,人类中心灵最伟大。 —亚历山大·汉密尔顿,美国奠基人。
The group is named for Alexander Hamilton, one of the founders of the United States.
该组织以美国缔造者亚历山大·汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton)的名字命名。
His recorded talk, "Selling America," received the Alexander Hamilton Award for Economic Education from the Freedoms Foundation.
But its rise to economic pre-eminence was set in motion by nationalists like Alexander Hamilton, who delivered America's first industrial policy, including plans for tariffs and spending on roads.
但是美国在经济上的崛起是由亚历山大·汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton)等民族主义者的政策推动的。汉密尔顿提出了美国第一个工业政策,其中包括关税和修路计划。
But its rise to economic pre-eminence was set in motion by nationalists like Alexander Hamilton, who delivered America's first industrial policy, including plans for tariffs and spending on roads.
但是美国在经济上的崛起是由亚历山大·汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton)等民族主义者的政策推动的。汉密尔顿提出了美国第一个工业政策,其中包括关税和修路计划。