When you don't know how to solve a problem algebraically, work backwards and plug in answer choices.
Let's say you have to go through three or four operations to get a final number, well, do it algebraically.
Using a set of rules to drive the matrix, the process for constructing the chain code is algebraically implemented.
In this paper, we discuss the classification of 3-dimensionally commutative algebras on algebraically closed field.
This paper proves that any one-step and two-step hybrid methods with explicit predictor is not algebraically stable.
In the first chapter, we discuss the fully graded algebras over discrete valuation ring with an algebraically closed residue field of characteristic p.
Two algebraically explicit analytical solutions of the governing equation set for the coupled heat and mass transfer process of rapid drying in porous media are derived.
Two sets of algebraically explicit analytical solution are derived for the partial differential equation set describing the one dimensional unsteady gas-liquid two phase flow.
The two theorems are proved that any ring can be extended into an algebraically closed ring and that the quaternionic skew field over a real closed field is algebraically closed.
The two theorems are proved that any ring can be extended into an algebraically closed ring and that the quaternionic skew field over a real closed field is algebraically closed.