And the plant specifics and control algorism are effectively discussed.
The optimization of coding and decoding algorism is the main concern in this paper.
The algorism principle is introduced, and four different modes of the algorithm are given.
The result of multiple experiments has testified the feasibility and efficiency of the algorism .
This part also explains the mapping algorism, the message format, the data conversation and so on.
This algorism did not consider the interference from knots to sapwood and heartwood identification.
Furthermore, a high speed erase algorism is studied based on the self-convergence mechanism in SIBE Flash.
A new solving process of technological sizes, composite algorism of technological sizes, has been studied.
By debugging the software, the paper reaches correct conclusion, and proves the feasibility of the algorism.
Simulation results show that the algorism performs better than LEACH in economize on energy and load balance.
Several methods for oversampling of current measurement signal are introduced, for example, algorism filter, etc.
Implementation of algorism of complex control is one of the hot research for technique of motion controller implementation.
A new tracking algorism for single detector compound axis was presented and realized based on realtime trajectory correcting.
A realizable recursive algorism is proposed to search all the File Spanning Trees for a given program in the distributed system.
A multiple images superposition algorism is introduced based on the properties of the pictures imaged by the designed optical system.
The article explains the principle and algorism of the forecast model of public transport demand based on the maximum entropy principle.
The rest of this Paper is about the Gateway selection algorism, which we called it "MG-MMS", can efficiently provide load balancing capacity.
One kind of theories of adaptive noise cancellation filter with referent channel based on Least Mean Square (LMS) algorism is discussed in this paper.
A current cycle iterative learning algorism is presented for the periodic position relevant nonlinear disturbance in the constant speed state of turntable.
This article presents a static bias compensation control algorism which is suitable for preparation of raw material in small and middle scale cements plants.
It makes the system run safe. This paper describes the algorism of CRC check and the algorism we adopted improves the veracity of data and the efficiency of system.
In the evaluation of file transmission time, based on the algorism for linear transmission path, we take the branched path into account to make the algorism perfect.
Upon the research on the whole electric power system, the robustness of fault diagnosis algorism is bad and it is hard to build practical math models for some objects.
A current cycle iterative learning algorism is presented in this paper for the periodic position relevant nonlinear disturbance in the constant speed state of turntable.
This paper gives two new solutions for the assignment problem of or, which can avoid the trouble caused by the "Hungary Method" sometimes and whose algorism is rather simple.
The studies include development of generating system of 12-lead synchronous abnormal ECG waveform database, wavelet based QRS complex detection algorism and waveform analysis.
Numerical simulations and experiments show that improved algorism of LTI is effective to trace rays including back waves and suitable for computerized tomography to complex object.
Further more; Neighbor Graph scan algorithm is algorism could be divided into two parts on the different way of Neighbor Graph. They are: MN forecast ap and location registered in server.
The speech recognition system adopts dynamic time warping (DTW) algorism to compare the characteristic parameters of speech signal with each other and recognize the result of speech signal.
The speech recognition system adopts dynamic time warping (DTW) algorism to compare the characteristic parameters of speech signal with each other and recognize the result of speech signal.