The flat presentation organizes all the database objects by type, which enables you to sort objects by name, schema, connection alias, and so on.
Create the authentication alias matching the user name and password used when creating the database.
The form name and view name usually need to be translated because they are visible, so adding the alias name is necessary for programming consideration.
Tip: Don't try to translate an alias name, such as a form alias or an agent alias, because these names do not require translation (they are translatable, though).
The alias is exactly as the name suggests, you can alias one command for another, or you can provide an alias for the same command with additional options.
Queues should not have the word QUEUE in their name (since it's implied), nor should they have the topology in the name (local, remote, alias, and so on).
It's good practice to always provide a form name and alias name. All code should then refer to the alias name.
If defaulting to class name, the transformation may alias the class name to ensure that it is a valid EGL name.
Immediately arrested, he gave only his alias, but Percy's name had already been linked with the cellar and house, and a warrant for his arrest was immediately issued.
The Alias name should be left blank in most cases.
Select Standard, fill in the Database name and Alias as MYDEDB, and click Finish.
Each key in the keystore can be identified by an alias, which is typically the name of the signer who owns the key.
You can specify the database name, database location, alias, comments, and whether you want automatic storage.
Now consider the following query, which USES the alias' SEC 'for the table name.
Screen cap: Create database wizard, with fields for database name, default path, alias, and comment.
In addition, give the authentication alias the same name as the alias that you created when you defined the datasource in WebSphere (as shown in Figure 9).
Specify the alias name for userid and password.
This will list all certificates in the database by their alias name.
If you have explicitly cataloged an alias name after database creation, use the alias name.
Multiple promoted properties can be given the same alias name if they are of the same type in order to be assigned the same value.
Clicking the icon next to the alias name expands and contracts the information associated with the database.
When you add the J2C connection factory, you have to select this alias name for the component-managed and container-managed authentication aliases.
CNAME (canonical name) — an alias to an existing host.
The alias code set name support helps minimize code-set name compliance problems and enhance quality on the code set conversion.
The vertical bar indicates the alias name for the form.
You could also define the name, alias, and comment directly in the design list and add view actions to right-click menus.
The simplest form of the DB2 backup or restore command requires only the alias name of the database.
The network name referenced by applications and regular users should not be any of the host names referenced in Table 5; they should only use an alias name to these host names as shown in Table 6.
The name of the property corresponds to the alias name of the promoted property, with the value being the override value for the promoted property.
For J2C, the alias name is used as the user ID to obtain a connection to the back end system.