The most scientifically accurate alien abduction simulation!
In a chapter on alien abductions, he recounts an abduction story of his own.
Dr Mahowald thinks they might account for some reports of alien abduction.
It may feel like an alien abduction, but probably it's only a colossal, street-straddling bus.
Far mellower than the previous 2 songs, this is all about alien abduction, set over a beautifully chiming guitar part, that fades in and out of the song.
But the world's first widely reported alien abduction — the case against which all other alleged E.T. kidnappings are measured — has never hit the big screen.
Alien abduction is not only people on earth, still in the human brain and body into the value of many types of objects, it is an alien part of the evil experiment.
外星人不仅绑架地球人, 外星人不仅绑架地球人,还在人的大脑和身体里值入许多种物体,这是外星人邪恶试验的一部分。 种物体,这是外星人邪恶试验的一部分。
He has yet to win any abduction claims, but says there are plenty of potential clients, noting that extra-terrestrial watchdogs report scores of alien assaults every year.
He has yet to win any abduction claims, but says there are plenty of potential clients, noting that extra-terrestrial watchdogs report scores of alien assaults every year.