The once all-powerful dollar isn't doing a Titanic against just the pound.
I know one secret weapon they have; their God is all-powerful--he destroyed us once, and he might again.
Praying and meditating aligns your limited energy with that which is all-powerful.
Yet another study is exposing the horrid treatment of workers by the all-powerful meat industry.
Although all animals have been talking about it, but it is still a high head, like an all-powerful.
When that faith is created, it's always 100% the grace of God working through his all-powerful Word.
Modern thought has removed time from this unity and transformed it into a single, all-powerful and active force.
And daughters often idealize their fathers, still seeing them as all-powerful, strong and strapping 35-year-old men.
Local critics have accused the all-powerful petroleum ministry of committing too much for export at prices that are too low.
In the next programme, I'm moving from cows to corn - but I'm staying with the gods - this time, the all-powerful god of maize, in Mexico.
Again, they were right. The all-powerful yen allowed Japanese automakers to build up manufacturing capacity inside key Western markets.
You next layout again is what, wanted to eat all-powerful sevens all, still have another purpose... Like, should also arrive while setting up I.
First, it offers an ultimate explanation of things by claiming that the world is the creation of an all-powerful, all-knowing, benevolent being.
There existed between Marius and her an all-powerful magnetism, which caused her to do, instinctively and almost mechanically, what Marius wished.
While the man himself remained elusive, his previously all-powerful family – seven sons, a daughter and an adopted son – was rapidly fragmenting .
This wasn't just a burning bush! God's very presence and voice were there speaking to him! Moses was standing before his holy, all-powerful Creator!
Some investors, particularly in the US, will happily back an all-powerful holder of both roles - as long as they are delivering strong results and returns.
But at the time of this writing, this is a system-wide setting that, for any practical system, is set such that the root user is always all-powerful by default.
Although the Office button is no longer an all-powerful menu at the top of the screen, most things are where you'd expect to find them in the current Office 2007.
This does not mean that co-ordinated intervention is all-powerful; but in the correct circumstances, it is a powerful signalling device for private-sector capital flows.
Physically, God, who is all-powerful, has the ability to destroy and bring back to life all creatures, who are limited and are, therefore, subject to God's limitless power.
Physically, God, who is all-powerful, has the ability to destroy and bring back to life all creatures, who are limited and are, therefore, subject to God's limitless power.