The functions of fresh Taoren is all-sided and strong, it is used in common;
Based on the hardware flat, the dissertation have done all-sided and detailed designs to all function modules.
The system provides enterprises with all-sided capability of sale, marketing, service as well as electronic commerce.
This book introduces all-sided knowledge of the beds of the Ming and the Qing dynasties with many beautiful pictures.
While today is the information world, the one who masters the all-sided source will have more chances to be successful.
The simulator has all-sided function, high reliability, nice interface, remarkable economy benefits, and widely application.
The assessment of process betters the teaching through consistent feedback possessing pertinent and all-sided characteristic.
Caring education changes from knowledge caring to spirit caring, in essence, it changes from one-sided caring to all-sided caring.
So we can understand the inquiry learning all-sided, and have some foundational knowledge about the development of inquiry learning$…
Methods: 40 cases of end-stage cancer patients in our hospital were given all-sided care and nursing in physiological and psychological.
The effective and all-sided quality management activities can speed up the implementation of TQM, and help an enterprise to be a winner market.
So we can understand the inquiry learning all-sided, and have some foundational knowledge about the development of inquiry learning, and estab…
The creativity of this thesis is embodied as follows:It integrated the fruits of former studies, and created an all-sided, complete and clear system.
All of above requests us have a span-new and all-sided acquaintance on network economy and the competition behavior of the enterprise hi network economy.
This method can merge the driver test data of wireless side and network management data of network side, and can optimize the network in an all-sided way.
Don't see sunrise move is small, but not have words to say so, the sparrow is small all-sided, some big company hardware facilities, it also have the same.
After several years of R&D, the upgraded new generation products are more polish, the configuration are more logical and the varieties are growing in all-sided.
Pour to materialism but devaluates to suppress mentalism ), which have resulted in the fact that students have no chances to get to all-sided and right knowledge.
Natural perfection is an important concept in modern environmental aesthetics. It means that all natural objects have all-sided and positive aesthetic value in essence.
The Monkey has positions in many different cultural fields, thus it is essential that to arrange Chinese Monkey Painting Culture all-sided by the aspect of basic research.
An all-sided description of the achievements gained in the comprehensive utilization of mineral, waste and water resources at Waitoushan Iron mine in recent years is given.
However, traditional Search Engine adopts full-text retrieval technique based on keyword match, and it results in having no all-sided retrieval result and more outlying information.
Digital campus system integrates all-sided service information in a university, which will provide a convenient information channel for all members of the university and other users.
During the overhaul period in 2001, an all-sided inspection was made to the three towers, causes were analysed, and measures were taken, the problem of surface cracks have been solved.
That is because theoretical studies on translation of children's literature are far from being all-sided and systematic, and can not provide effective guidance for translating practice.
So we can understand the inquiry learning all-sided, and have some foundational knowledge about the development of inquiry learning, and establish the foundation for the basic education.
To eliminate the rent-seeking phenomenon in the area of taxation and build up good taxation environment, we must handle affairs according to laws and take scientific and all-sided treatment.
To eliminate the rent-seeking phenomenon in the area of taxation and build up good taxation environment, we must handle affairs according to laws and take scientific and all-sided treatment.