So we are looking at things in the offshore deepwater environment, as well as up through the water column and all along the shorelines.
All along the coast, the urgent talk is not just about survival in the face of shortages of food, water and fuel. Stricken communities are desperate to start rebuilding their towns (see article).
The rat is then washed in water and a cut is made along its belly to remove all the intestines. The liver and the heart are kept inside the body.
田鼠冲洗干净 从肚子切开清理掉所有的肠子 但是肝和心脏都被留在肚子里.
And all along the Japanese coast, tsunami warning signs, towering seawalls and well-marked escape routes offer some protection from walls of water.
These competing demands are lowering water levels all along the Ganges, a crisis most apparent in the sacred city of Varanasi.
What happens to this land, and to the water trapped in the fjords along its shore or in its lakes, when the stretch sets all to vibrating.
The Organizing Committee has prepared water and other drinks along the route for participants of all races, with specific locations shown in the Entry Pamphlet.
The unified management of water resources in the Tarim River Basin is all along a keystone of water resources management in Xinjiang.
The Xiaolangdi water control project is constructed in smooth progress with its major items all along keeping in advance of the contractual schedule.
The study on calculation and assessment of groundwater resources in water-wind erosion crisscross region has been the weak spot all along.
The water level control for the steam drum is all along a typical issue in the control domain.
An attention has been paid all along to the important role of dietary treatment on human body. Food is not only the source of the essence of water and grain but also a usual pathogenic factor.
An attention has been paid all along to the important role of dietary treatment on human body. Food is not only the source of the essence of water and grain but also a usual pathogenic factor.