SVG supports all of the mouse events you expect but also has support for keyboard events -- even for specific key events, which is what I've chosen to demonstrate here.
Touchscreen keyboard is nice and all, but not good for extended use and takes up much of the screen.
She’s joking of course, but all the same: I’d better step away from the keyboard and finally compile this information for her!
She's joking of course, but all the same: I'd better step away from the keyboard and finally compile this information for her!
You should also provide keyboard shortcuts, but they must be simple, and all important functions should also be visible on the interface.
A pianist might play most of the ivories on the keyboard, but rarely did any engineer use all the scales on his (almost never her) slide rule.
But for the most part, PCs have remained pretty much the same - on the outside at least: a keyboard, a space-eating display monitor and a box that holds all the "guts" of the computer.
But soon you will undoubtedly be able to interact by voice with all those IT-based services you currently connect with over the Internet by means of a keyboard.
Until now I still is also writing bits and pieces of writing, oneself all don't like, many times, touched the keyboard, but what also dozen don't come out.
And the touch keyboard was so big and tactile that my typos all but vanished.
And the touch keyboard was so big and tactile that my typos all but vanished.