They are all consuming and deadly, enough to destroy personal life, as well as human beings.
If you're at a start-up or want to invent a new technology or discover a cure for a disease, it is all consuming.
As long as the interface to the module is identical, you can deploy the updated module, and it will be picked up automatically by all consuming modules without changes.
Some patients just get bad genetics and get poor dental care (Fig. 11). There is a hopelessness that starts to pervade their thoughts and their dental problems become all consuming.
These beavers do know how to build dams, and do so if the need arises, as may occur if they are forced to relocate after felling and consuming all nearby trees.
He must store a large quantity of grain instead of consuming all his grain immediately.
Nursing a demented person is an all-consuming task.
Haig's rise was fuelled by an all-consuming sense of patriotic duty.
Within three-to-five years, Schmidt says, we’ll be consuming almost all of our information online.
"With demand vanishing across all key oil consuming regions, benchmark crude oil prices continue to plummet," said Merrill Lynch.
Consumer layer. This is the layer consuming all the services generated by the previous layers.
All of which indicates a very time-consuming and human-intensive process.
Heterotrophic bacteria are a category which includes all bacteria that survive by consuming organic matter.
This envelope travels with the message from the producing application all the way to the consuming application.
However, the resulting number could be misleading because it doesn't mean that the process is consuming all that footprint.
Grid capping prevents any one data grid from consuming all of the available elastic cache capacity.
Thus, when life seems full and absolute, and men, out of an all-consuming faith, are resigned to their destinies, novels perform no service at all.
Some question the Palestinians' all-consuming attachment to their land.
Michelle had always wanted to be a mother, three years had passed since their wedding and now her husband - with his all-consuming memoir just finished - would be gone several days a week.
Anything else is a bonus, but the amount of time and money absorbed by this show into a packed and frantic four days for exhibitors has become all-consuming.
They were filled with anger as they spent their days and nights trying to raise their other kids, go to work, and follow the all-consuming ongoing investigation into the killing.
For example, opening a retail food store can be an all-consuming endeavor.
What I find most upsetting about this new all-consuming beauty culture is that the obsession with good looks, and how you can supposedly attain them, is almost entirely female-driven.
He adds that there is a unique feature of the teenage brain that drives much behavior during adolescence: the teen brain is primed and ready for intense, all-consuming learning.
He adds that there is a unique feature of the teenage brain that drives much behavior during adolescence: the teen brain is primed and ready for intense, all-consuming learning.