The plugin is definitely all encompassing, as it includes 350 unique language-country cultures.
In this book, these three definitions have been collapsed into a single, all encompassing, definition of ICT.
I have read countless descriptions and definitions of the word, but I have yet to find a description that is all encompassing.
This is not all encompassing and there can be exceptions to the cases stated above, but this is a general idea on how we view the subject.
In Phil Wainewright's opinion, an all encompassing Web Oriented Architecture allows to unify SOA and cloud computing. He continued by saying that.
Phil Wainewright的观点是,一个包罗万象的面向Web的架构可以让我们统一soa和云计算。
The GBO format would be an all encompassing format that would allow any exchange of the application healthcare schema and its metadata to be mapped to it.
GBO格式将会是一个包罗万象的格式,任何应用程序的医疗schema和元数据都能映射到 GBO 格式。
Gravity may be all encompassing, but you can’t gift a small piece of gravity to someone on his or her birthday in a box, which they can then spray on their clothing.
How beautifully lucid and strong the pictures are... I was struck now in looking at the book how in just 34 pictures, so complete a world is rendered, an all encompassing wholeness.
AATU have won an international competition to design a new all encompassing Transportation and Industrial Park in SanYa, Hainan Province, for local food processing moguls, Luoniushan.
The sixth generation of indentation mat derived from careful design, fine workmanship, good antiskid effect, coupled with its all encompassing high side and the embedded buckle, never shift.
Australia's success story is about more than easily copied technological fixes, and up to now no nation has replicated its all-encompassing system.
Scope statements should be clear, yet as all-encompassing as possible.
Perhaps it will prove impossible to draw all-encompassing conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of a condition described as a spectrum.
Similarly, the holiness codes of Leviticus thread down from an all-encompassing mandate to behave distinctly from their foreign (and depraved) neighbors.
Cloud service consumer. Again, we include the cloud service customer in the reference architecture because it's relevant to an all-encompassing security treatment.
Many methodologies vendors have created are all-encompassing framework approaches to meet the widest possible set of needs.
The central proposal was to replace the existing exams with all-encompassing diplomas.
This article is not all-encompassing regarding all necessary details.
The light had a sort of special haze to it that seemed to intensify and magnify distances, but what really stood out was the all-encompassing silence.
Testers are not distracted by sifting through large, all-encompassing documents in search of inputs for their unique test phase.
In the first 'classic' photo the city looks immense, sprawling, all-encompassing to its surroundings.
I had been taught all the reasons why we should forgive, but the reality was that I simply did not believe that forgiveness was all-encompassing.
Central bankers cannot add asset prices to core and headline to create a single all-encompassing price index.
And the final, most all-encompassing myth about JSF development is that it's just plain difficult.
Copenhagen was meant to produce an all-encompassing agreement; cancun was expected to embarrass itself.
XProc's standard step library and extensibility mechanisms position XProc to be an all-encompassing solution.
Facebook's claim to speak to the basic human need to "connect," combined with the company's number crunching and shiny new graphs, certainly seems scientific and all-encompassing.
Single licensed, all-encompassing Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) solutions.
单一授权,包含全面的应用系统生命周期管理(Application Lifecycle Management,ALM)解决方案。
Single licensed, all-encompassing Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) solutions.
单一授权,包含全面的应用系统生命周期管理(Application Lifecycle Management,ALM)解决方案。