Yea, though he live a thousand years twice told, yet hath he seen no good: do not all go to one place?
All of the information about the build and release process is logged centrally, so there is one place to go to find out what went into a release candidate and the results of any build.
And you don't want all the ideas to have to go through one person or one place, because that really slows things down.
Have you ever wanted to have one place to go on the Internet where you could track all of your online activities?
Sometimes we go to far away, one to a pond, we were sitting in an abandoned cement boat before it left the right place, we all were Insects.
If you want to see all of your separate email accounts at once, you can go to your Gmail Settings and tell it to check all of the other accounts so you get your email in one place.
One day, the big emperor issues the bulletin, requests all people to return to in the town own place of birth go.
One day, the big emperor issues the bulletin, requests all people to return to in the town own place of birth go.