All that I ask is that alternatives be offered instead of putting all of us on the road to calculus.
I first heard this question from strategy guru Gary Hamel, and I ask it of myself all the time.
For example, if you send me an invitation to speak at a conference and I ask what the topic is, you might reply with just the topic, snipping out all the details of the conference.
To all of you I ask, I pray to your souls to trust and stand firm in your inner light again.
This takes up more of your valuable times Ask yourself this, do I need all this stuff?
In the meantime, may I ask all of you to sign in so that I can issue your passes?
I \ 'd ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast ot the health of all our friends present here.
Every time it finally sank in that she had lost her husband of more than 50 years, she'd look at me sadly and say, 'Oh', as I struggled to compose myself. 'Were we all there?' she'd ask softly.
I seize the migrants, and first of all I will ask them, are you ready to work for me?
I ask all of your female readers to pause a moment to reflect on this statistic.
"May I now ask you to join me in a moment of silence to pay homage to all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice by laying down their life in the service of our alliance," he said.
And this is an area of great concern for us all and I can only ask the international community to be more and more involved together, acting together to make sure that these conflicts find an end.
One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.
I don't want any interruptions every other minuter, but you can ask me at the end of the letter. W: All right.
what I am asking here is that you look at each of these questions separately so that you make sure you ask all of them.
Well, the range for x should just be numbers. OK, remember, the question I have to ask now is if I look at all of these yellow slices which one is the first one that I will consider?
So, some time between "Yes, I will marry you, " and "I do, " you and your partner need to have The Money Talk--the key questions all couples should ask of one another.
Now I want to ask you a still deeper question. What is the basis of all sin in the mind?
And above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation the only way it's been done in America for 221 years - block by block, brick by brick, calloused hands by calloused hands.
In that spirit, I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to the friendship and cooperation of our two peoples which can lead to friendship and peace for all peoples in the world.
To me, when friends or friends of friends ask me about business ideas or starting companies, and they have all these different ideas or solutions thought up - I get concerned.
Now I would like to ask you to feel the energy here in this room for a moment, to feel the collective energy of all of us together.
I thought of all the things I might have said and done, which I hadn't said or done, in the bitter, humiliating moments when just to ask for a crust of bread is to make yourself less than a worm.
RAY: Why don't somebody ask me my favorite poet, I know more about poetry than all of you put together.
I also ask all Americans to observe the National Moment of Remembrance beginning at 3:00 p.m. local time on Memorial Day.
I think, first of all, I will ask the consignee to produce survey report on loading, if they can't produce that I suggest them to refer the case to their shipper.
I gave you all, do not ask me to return any of you, just the quiet guard, has always refused to cross that barrier Road.
I ask Sana if she will be going to the beach in the holidays, but it is her mother who answers: "we used to go to the sea, all of us together."
I ask Sana if she will be going to the beach in the holidays, but it is her mother who answers: "we used to go to the sea, all of us together."