I've had a hell of a day, and all I want is an early night.
All I want is to have some peace and quiet and spend a couple of nice days with my grandchildren.
Some people are thirsty for power, wealth or fame, but all I want is only health and happiness.
My parents no longer satisfy me with all I want.
That gives me 34 years to do all I want to do and make a mark in the world.
"All I want is you Pfife," he wrote to her, "and oh dear god I want you so."
Back home, all I want to do is go to bed and sleep, but, of course, I can't.
But as Sam says, "I thought I knew what I wanted, but I realized all I want is you."
I can roar all I want about the unfairness of this ridiculous disease, but the facts remain.
"Listen," I said, "all I want is a page in your newspaper and a thousand shekels a story. Come on, give."
But all I want to really illustrate is, this is a strategy for purification of the less volatile component.
First of all I want you to know that I'm telling you all this because I like letting people know what I know.
And all I want to say is — let me know if you see this guy named Barack Obama, because he sounds pretty frightening.
Today, I asked my 6 year old son what he wants to be when he grows up. He said, “Mommy, all I want to be is happy.” MMT
All I want to stress is that my discovery of her was a fatal consequence of that "princedom by the sea" in my tortured past.
I have no clue about the professional terms you are saying. All I want to know is whether we still have chance to have our child?
All I want to do is just to show my care for others, and I hope to be treated in the same way by others. I am not asking too much.
Above all I want to get away from the indifference of New York . I want to care and - it sounds implausibly poignant - be cared about .
"All I want is a good home and a wife and children and some food to feed them every night, " says Scott-Heron, bringing the fantasy to a close.
All I want isagoodhomeandawife andchildren andsomefoodto feedthemeverynight"(“我所想要的只是一个温馨的家庭和一个妻子和几个孩子和一些食物每天晚上来养活他们”),Scott-Heron说,把幻想带到结束的终点。
All I want to say is the fan of the brain theory you got a brain transplant, what's really happened is somebody else has got a torsel transplant.
Sometimes all I want is a fake object that implements the same interface and can answer some specific questions about how I interact with it in a test.
First of all I want to remind you that today is the last day to sign up for the Co-Creator Program for the retreat From a Sedentary to Active Lifestyle in 1 Month.
But really, all I want to know is what time you're open until so I can see if I can fit you into my schedule, and I want to be able to put your address into my GPS.
And instead of being happy, thinking of the time I can spend running, talking with friends uninterrupted, walking on the beach, whatever it may be - all I want to do is cry.
I go through bouts of feeling like I have nothing to contribute to the world, but I keep writing, producing, and improving what I do, because that’s all I can do. It’s all I want to do.
It's all I want it to be a big net, but I don't think that my works, based on my mind, works in such a way that it can have necessary and sufficient conditions so that there will be no overlap.
I don't want all these files cluttering up my desk.
I don't want you to run away with the impression that all I do is have meetings all day.
I don't want a bunch of nerds telling me whether to take a limo or not. That's all chickenshit.
I don't want a bunch of nerds telling me whether to take a limo or not. That's all chickenshit.