The firm looked at all rallies since 1974 in which the S&P 500 index rose by at least 20% without an intervening decline of at least 20%.
Instead, realize that markup is all about providing this level of organization; a p indicates that text is in a paragraph, img denotes an image, div divides a page up into sections, and so forth.
相反,要意识到只有标记才能提供这种级别的组织;p指明文本在段落内,img 表示图像,div 将页面分成区段,等等。
The call to Vim’s built-in mkdir() then takes this directory path and creates all the interim directories along it (as requested by the second argument, "p").
然后,对Vim 的内置mkdir() 的调用读取这个目录路径,按这个路径创建所有临时目录(按第二参数要求,"p")。
To keep this all straight, the p element has three object children in the order that those things appeared in the HTML in Listing 1.
S&P 500 hit an all time high of 1527 in March 2000, and DJIA’s recent high was achieved in January 2002, where it closed at 11,723.
Dr. Robert P. Heaney, a bone specialist at Creighton University in Omaha, maintains that “at least one-third of all osteoporotic fractures have a nutritional basis.”
RobertP. Heaney博士,欧马哈市克莱顿大学的骨科专科坚持t”至少有1/3骨质疏松导致的骨折源于营养方面的原因。
x11vnc is compatible with most or all of the GXT*P video adapters in current AIX hardware.
x11vnc 可与目前AIX硬件上的大多数或全部 GXT*P视频适配器兼容。
And if it sees S-W-A-P, open parentheses, close parentheses, and it hopefully sees two ints inside of it, that's all it needs to do in order to finish compiling your code.
Zombies have been portrayed using all types of media, from books like H. P. Lovecraft's 'in the vault' and comic books like the 'Bombie the Zombie' in 1949, to movies like the brilliant.
The netstat options used show all (-a) TCP (-t) connections in a numeric (-n) format along with the name of the process (-p) responsible.
使用的netstat选项以数字格式(- n)显示所有(- a)TCP (- t)连接,以及所负责进程(- p)的名称。
You can get this information using vmstat -p ALL, as seen here in Listing 4.
可以使用vmstat- P ALL获得此信息,见清单4。
When a fighter of Cadwallon follows the Warrior-mage career, it has access to all the Elements but to no Paths of magic, as indicated in Cadwallon p. 149.
当一名凯德·沃伦战士从事武法师职业,如凯德·沃伦规则书p. p. 149的说明,他可精通所有元素但不具有法术派系。
The scores in all fields were increased after nursing intervention except in the social relationship field (P<0.05).
The neurofilament protein immune-positive neurons and gray scale in ipsilateral oculomotor nucleus in all neurotrophic groups were significantly increased compared with normal saline group (P< 0.05).
That's right . On the other hand, a W. P. A. policy covers you against partial loss in all cases.
Methods 120 patients and 50 general persons were self-administered by modified SF-36. ( Results ) Scores of all aspects in the patients are significantly lower than that of general persons(P<0.01).
With proposed reasonable and efficient algorithm, all intersted P-K point in a fixed state space range can be obtained.
Results Compared with control group, the learning and memory ability of model group obviously damaged and the expression of NR2B in hippocampus decreased (all P<0.05).
All Pacific Valves are designed to operate through pressure and temperature range shown in these P-T Charts for a particular ANSI Class Rating and ASTM Material.
The scores in horizontal motion and vertical motion of the model group were all significantly lower than the normal group (P< 0.05, P< 0.01).
Results The differences in the blood sodium, plasma osmotic pressure, recovery time between the two groups were statistically significant (all P<0. 01).
Substance P(SP)and motilin were determined in all layer of various gut regions in developing human fetuses.
Soil water content had a substantial impact on P uptake and P use efficiency in all 4 cultivars.
There were statistical significances in the comparison of all above indexes (P< 0.05).
The number of neurofilament protein immune-positive neurons and gray scale in contralateral oculomotor nucleus in all groups had no significant differences (P > 0.05).
The number of neurofilament protein immune-positive neurons and gray scale in contralateral oculomotor nucleus in all groups had no significant differences (P > 0.05).