The script is useful in case you need to replace one IP address with another in all your system files — for instance, if your default router has changed.
As always, keep backups of all the files you change and have at least one system backup image in case the worst happens.
Having one IP address for some or all of the Ethernet adapters in a large multi-node system can be beneficial for system administrators and network administration.
Increasingly, an event in one part of the world can quickly ricochet throughout the international system to affect us all.
The best practice here is to use a given prefix for only one namespace throughout all XML documents in a system.
For enterprise applications, you will have databases, a messaging system, and various EIS systems, and you will want to manipulate all necessary systems in one transaction.
The approach generally fits well with a data warehouse system since all data is in one table without the need for table joins.
Alameda SSA chose DB2 in keeping with its philosophy of having all system components provided by one vendor-in this case, IBM.
But one might decide to go ahead with the release of a system with several usability problems if they are all judged as being cosmetic in nature.
A full backup — in other words, one where you copy all of the files from your system — would obviously capture everything, but it can be an expensive way of backing up your information.
In 1992, all the essential pieces of the GNU system were complete, except for one, the operating system kernel.
One Bus Away provides a real-time display of where all of the buses in a transit system are at any given moment.
Ethernet bonding: Having one IP address for some or all of the Ethernet adapters in a large multi-node system.
System builds, in which some or all of currently developed subsystems were integrated into one build, had the same benefits and goals as subsystem builds, except that.
One of our engineers, Orion Hodson, had written a new FAT32 file system from scratch using all of the static verification features in Sing#.
I keep all of my DTDs in one place on my system; let's assume they will reside under a DTDs folder at the same level as Emacs: d: \ DTDs.
我将所有我的DTD放在系统上的一个地方;假设它们驻留在与Emacs同级的DTD文件夹下:d: \DTDs。
We've been doing a fair amount of clustering talk here in the Geronimo renegade column, and one thing that keeps coming up is all of the messaging going on within the system.
In the selectors page, you see all the selectors currently in the system. Click CreditSelector, shown in Figure 20, which is the one that you created earlier.
The Preston is a mass-market device with a 2.8-inch screen, 3-megapixel camera and FM radio, while the Omnia is an all-in-one multimedia phone that USES the Windows Mobile operating system.
Early in the morning, after all but one engineer had gone home, the engineer finally reproduced a system reset on the replica.
Different countries have different approaches to social health protection, but all have one thing in common: a system called a risk pool.
The second solution is a large-grained one that returns all the information you need in a single invocation and ensures minimal effects due to network latency and system I/O.
第二种解决方案是粗粒度登录系统,它返回您在一次调用中需要的所有信息,并确保由于网络延迟和系统 I/O 带来的影响最小。
An example might be at the customer level in a financial system: one coarse grained lock could be to lock all accounts for the customer, another could be to lock all insurance policies.
Among all the planets in our solar system, earth is also one of the most unstable planet.
And then, we have two cases. So, the case where the system is invertible corresponds to the general situation where your three planes somehow all just intersect in one point.
Suppose you have seventy-nine applications on one server that are all defective in that they rely on a faulty system printf .
假设您的一台服务器上有79个全都有缺陷的应用程序,原因在于它们都依赖于发生故障的系统printf 。
Now, one school system in Maine has launched a project to provide tablet computers — the Apple iPad — to all kindergarteners.
For example, some development teams prefer centralization, where all changes are collected in and applied to one repository (Subversion is a centralized system).
For example, some development teams prefer centralization, where all changes are collected in and applied to one repository (Subversion is a centralized system).