Underlying all of this is a simple dynamic: Apple, Google, Facebook and other companies hold most of the cards in this confrontation.
Yet underlying all of this is a simple dynamic: Apple, Google, Facebook and other companies hold most of the cards in this confrontation.
The one thing that is not in BA’s interests is a messy compromise that allows Unite to save face. Given that Mr Walsh holds all the cards, that seems unlikely.
The one thing that is not in BA's interests is a messy compromise that allows Unite to save face. Given that Mr Walsh holds all the CARDS, that seems unlikely.
During his now 15 months with United, the Mexican has only received six yellow CARDS, all of them in the 2010-11 season (46 games).
If your answer is either "Delay" or "no," then look at all the CARDS in the layout (the reversal of a card has no significance).
The goal was to collect as many good CARDS as possible in an unspecified short period of time (all trials actually lasted ten minutes).
New customers will be able to get their account, chequebook, debit and credit CARDS within 15 minutes, and all the data for each customer will be kept in one place.
If you don't believe me just look at all the greeting CARDS out there with this wit or wisdom scrolled up in Gothic lettering on every subject.
Well, maybe it didn't exactly happen that way, but IBM has been involved in some of the biggest database developments of the past 50 years. It all began in the era of punch CARDS and disk platters.
Another idea for all of the CARDS would be to wrap a rubber band around them and keep them in the car.
If you make a habit of putting all your purchases on credit CARDS, regardless of whether you can pay your bill in full at the end of the month, you might still be paying for those items in 10 years.
The landlord's aim is to be the first to play out all his CARDS in valid combinations, and the team wins if any one of them manages to play all their CARDS before the landlord.
I cannot say I will find these CARDS, but I want to make sure we're all on the same page going in.
All the CARDS came crashing down this Sunday night for Porto as they fell 3-0 to a Benfica side that won their second consecutive Carlsberg Cup in the Algarve.
Aside from putting them all in a box, I don't know of a good way to keep memorable CARDS (ones with real messages, not just a signature on the bottom).
“It’s a house of cards,” says Ryan Grist, one of the British “stabilisation advisers” in Marja. “If the marines go, it could all collapse.”
In a just-completed study, Plastic Jungle, which buys and sells gift cards, reported that all-told, the U.S. market for them is about $90 billion annually.
If not, the CARDS you were in the process of finalizing will all disappear without warning.
The principal has requested all teachers to circumscribe failures in red on the report cards.
The principal has requested all teachers to circumscribe failures in red on the report CARDS.
In the second, all of the CARDS are shown at startup, and you locate a random card.
In the second, all of the CARDS are shown at startup, and you locate a random card.