All of the other values are copied.
All of the other modules have no special requirements.
All of the other changes outside of these tags are ignored.
All of the other great apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes.
You might wonder why all of the other PHP files associated with NuSOAP are necessary.
您也许想知道为何需要 NuSOAP相关的其他PHP文件。
In this example, you will use one box to contain all of the other boxes in your UI.
It applies to all of the other IBM Cognos 8 services that implement the run method.
When we retrieve an account, we get all of the other accounts that it is subscribed to.
Step 4: All of the other pieces of information you'll need to fill in when registering a company.
Additional resources would need to be added to all of the other roles to have an efficient process.
How does it fit in with all of the other Web services and SOA concepts that have been passed around?
When you sort one column, all of the other columns automatically revert to their default sort orders.
If not, you will always bethrown into the bargain bin with all of the other men who failed to see thepoint.
All of the other cluster members maintain a subset of cluster metadata and thus are referred to as partial repositories.
Our dragon boat team this year is so good that we're going to blow all of the other teams away in the upcoming race.
When this thought is propagated to all of the other roles as well, we end up with something like the diagram in Figure 2.
All of the other IzPack components (panels, user input, validators, and so on) just prep you for running these packs.
If you say it is a solution against what Apple offers today, it is also a solution against all of the other competition.
This is the way all of the other insurance I buy works - there are audits of our behavior and credit for a lack of claims.
It also extracts and USES all of the other mediation policies that are relevant, such as the service level mediation policies.
Amidst all of the other compiler-provided methods, you should be able to find a good old public static void main (String args) method.
在所有其他编译器提供的方法之中,您应当能够找到一种优秀的旧publicstaticvoidmain (Stringargs)方法。
Removing a menu from a menu bar is a little easier; just copy all of the other menus over from the old bar to the new one, and you're done.
All of the other technology connectors cannot be made highly available at this time due to a limitation in the technology connector Framework.
After all, she seemed completely satisfied sketching in silence, and smiling at her sketches and at all of the other people who surrounded us.
The next day on Saturday, an office power outage causes Tom's desktop to go down and with it, all of the other applications that depend on it.
而就在他离开的第二天,公司因为停电而导致Tom 的台式机停机,而所有应用程序都依赖该机器。
With this information, we then iterate, attempting to receive all of the other messages in the group in sequence order starting at the beginning.
But I should mention that all of the other reasons to cross-train discussed in this chapter have a beneficial, if indirect, impact on performance.
If the first message is put under a transaction, then all of the other messages must be put under a transaction if they use the same queue handle.
I can't bear to be in the same room as him... I believe he's got the blood of my son and all of the other men and women who died out there on his hands.
The Russell 2000, the leading small cap index, has gained 16.5 percent this year as of Thursday's close, outperforming all of the other big indexes.
2004年是中小盘股票表现价值的一年。 截止上周四收盘时,代表小盘股的Russell2000指数年涨幅达到16.5%,远高于其他股指。