And they opened many new doors for millions of female doctors and nurses and artists and authors, all of whom have followed them.
They can buy millions of dollars worth of TV ads -and worst of all, they don't even have to reveal who is actually paying for them.
They can buy millions of dollars worth of TV ads - and worst of all, they don't even have to reveal who is actually paying for them.
As the ash cloud spread eastwards, northern Europe's airports shut down one by one, stranding millions of passengers, many of them attempting to return from Easter holidays, all over the world.
Scientists believe that these geological formations are capable of storing virtually all the CO2 injected into them for millions of years.
But not yet: "There's a big step between making one transistor and making hundreds of millions of them that all work."
If we paid no attention to them at all, the book industry probably wouldn't bother pouring millions of dollars into cover illustrations, embossed type fonts and decorative golden swirls.
Tomorrow, online document sharing site Scribd will start to ditch Flash across its tens of millions of uploaded documents and convert them all to native HTML5 Web pages.
They can buy millions of dollars worth of TV ads – and worst of all, they don't even have to reveal who is actually paying for them.
For two short weeks, thousands of men and women from all over the world will compete and millions more will watch them.
And they opened many new doors for millions of female doctors and nurses and artists and authors, all of whom have followed them.
There are several millions teenagers receives systematic tennis training all over the world, but not more than ten reserved tennis talents of them can become the professionals.
All lover the world, tens of millions of people are desperately seeking refuge, many of them far from home and even farther from safety.
This town represents all the people using Twitter. There are millions of them.
On this Day we also express our solidarity with millions of victims of torture, and reiterate the need for all States to provide justice and rehabilitation for them.
Since the Internet marketing is so widely available to all companies around the world, can acquire millions of customers with a few mouse clicks them.
Poor Juve, having to be treated like everyone else. For 100 years their millions of fans have been above all the rules and then suddenly they have suffered like everyone else against them.
As well as millions of other people all over the world, it attracted the attention of Oprah who thought: "I love that picture, I have to meet them."
"The support has been overwhelming, " he said. "I got millions of letters from fans all round the world, and I'd like to thank them all for the positive thoughts and for taking the time to write.
"The support has been overwhelming, " he said. "I got millions of letters from fans all round the world, and I'd like to thank them all for the positive thoughts and for taking the time to write.