On the first day, all of the five people were excited.
It was the custom, on the first day at work, for apprentices to invite all their workmates for drinks.
After all, his most memorable shots were taken on the morning of D-Day, June 6, 1944, when he landed alongside the first waves of infantry at Omaha Beach.
I was all so proud of my work and to crunch it up on the first day, I was really pissed, "Talbot said."
As we mark the first International Day against nuclear Tests, I look forward to working with all partners to rein in spending on nuclear weapons and rid the world of the nuclear threat.
I won't know until after we finish our first planning session at Ruby DCamp, where all of the attendees decide what they want to discuss/learn/work on, and we have a schedule for that first day.
If all goes well, three "taikonauts" will embark Thursday on a three-day Earth-orbit mission, which includes the country's first spacewalk.
In the fortieth year, on the first day of the eleventh month, Moses proclaimed to the Israelites all that the LORD had commanded him concerning them.
We all know that slacking off on dental hygiene is the first way to get cavities, but stress can also be a culprit, say experts, especially when you’re grinding your teeth at night or during the day.
He started making plans to send a troop of celestial soldiers and generals to Earth on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, with orders to incinerate all humans and animals.
On his first day home, his father organized a celebration in the village for his favourite son, who had brought honour to the family by going all the way to America.
Let no yeast be found in your possession in all your land for seven days. Do not let any of the meat you sacrifice on the evening of the first day remain until morning.
Mr Cross, 32, said: 'When we first thought of putting a camera on Cooper it was simply to try to find an answer to the question that all cat owners ask: "Where does my cat go all day?"
32岁的克罗斯先生说:“我们最初想到在库珀身上安放相机,只是想找到所有猫主人都想知道的问题答案:‘我的猫一天都去了哪里?’ 其实,那只是一个地理实验。
On the first day, I plan to finish all my homework so that I can play happily in the other days.
He started making plans to send a troop of celestial soldiers and generals to Earth on the 15th day of the first lunar month, with orders to incinerate all humans and animals.
So far as China is concerned, during the first 11 months of this year, China has all together 1,265 commercial ships sailing through the route, that is, three to four ships per day on average.
In the fortieth year on the first day of the eleventh month Moses proclaimed to the israelites all that the Lord had commanded him concerning them.
When I first started, I thought I'd simply hop on the treadmill and be off walking all day while working.
Yao's figure will be in good company in the attraction's all-new "Sports Zone, " which was also unveiled for the first time on the day.
If at all possible, exercise first thing in the morning. The longer the day goes on, the more likely you are to get derailed.
It is a peasant food and you will be eating poor food and be poor all year if you eat porridge on the first day of the year.
I didn't take too kindly to this after all the kerfuffle on the first day.
On the first day, all the subjects were shown pictures of everyday objects. They were asked to identify whether the pictures could be found inside the house or outdoors.
On the day of the birth of his first child, he was giving cigars away to all and sundry.
The opening ceremony on the first day, there is thrilling, it is expected to the organizers and exhibitors from all over the world.
The opening ceremony on the first day, there is thrilling, it is expected to the organizers and exhibitors from all over the world.