Complete all paperwork and closing duties in accordance with restaurant standards.
Maintaining all paperwork: for shipping, purchasing, routing, EDI Systems to make information accessible to others as needed.
Therefore, it is important for you to read all paperwork included with your bill and to keep an eye out for changes in your fixed rate.
In many cases the goal is to automate the administrative operations (all the paperwork associated with ordering, delivering, invoicing, and paying) and therefore reduce the cost.
Mr. Jones: No problem at all. To tell you the truth, I could use the extra time in my schedule to catch up on some paperwork.
I understand that. But we put in some sweat and a little blood, too - not to mention the fact that I have to deal with all the paperwork that comes with a casualty situation.
And that total must pay not only for ingredients, but for lunchroom staff, kitchen equipment, the manager's salary, and all the reports and other paperwork required by state auditors.
After I got my visa and put all the paperwork behind me, she and I settled in Spokane together.
If you are not sure which doctor is best for your ailment, Li will even recommend one based on experience and can arrange all the paperwork for an extra fee.
如果你不确定找哪位医生看病最好,李启才还能凭经验帮你推荐,并安排好所有工作。 当然,这都是需要额外收费的。
So do all your phone calls, then all your emails, then all your little paperwork or whatever.
We'll provide advice and assistance and even supply all of the paperwork needed to enable the keeping of accurate records.
Now, getting back to the paperwork... First of all, let's fill out the contents that I missed.
You can move house, as long as you signed the paperwork in April and you are careful to label all the boxes carefully.
We can also improve the situation by making it a rule that all the paperwork should be typed and printed out.
But some of last month's falloff may be due to a new banking rule that's slowing the flow of paperwork, of all things.
Nick tells her that finding something in all this paperwork will take forever, that it’s likely just a waste of time.
In the best of all worlds, you'd do this for six months 'worth of your paperwork.
Only one-third felt they had the time to fully communicate with and to treat all patients, and 60 percent felt that paperwork demands resulted in less time spent with patients.
What I need to do is to prepare all the necessary paperwork he needs to do his job.
Thomas:Yes, but they need another one. I hope you don't mind all this paperwork.
There's all this training we got to do, recording of the training and paperwork we need to do, '" Shelanski explained."
No, the Chinese company has that all worked out. With the paperwork you receive with the shipment, you should be good to go.
All the paperwork is now completed. If you have any questions, you can contact me anytime.
Direct recording of all fixed assets, inventory counts, reconciliation's, transfers, theft procedures, warranty returns and all related paperwork.
Direct recording of all fixed assets, inventory counts, reconciliation's, transfers, theft procedures, warranty returns and all related paperwork.