Over the past year the all-round China-EU strategic partnership has made important progress mainly in the following aspects.
We all do our parts and we go into the dens of the dark ones and round up these and replace those and mess up and shred their plans and great progress has been made.
I hope you have been outstanding in the next semester even more strict demands on themselves, for all-round progress!
I hope you have been outstanding in the next semester even more strict demands on themselves, for all-round progress!
希望一直优秀的你在下学期中更加严格要求自己,争取全面进步! !
Society achieves all-round progress. Livelihood of the people has a more substantial improvement.
Under the circumstances the main prerequisites for China's victory over Japan are nation-wide unity and all-round progress on a scale ten or even a hundred times greater than in the past.
Under the circumstances the main prerequisites for China's victory over Japan are nation-wide unity and all-round progress on a scale ten or even a hundred times greater than in the past.