But let's not forget that even if all the allegations turn out to be true, Greg has still built more schools and transformed more children's lives than you or I ever will.
Jenkins suggests that the results could be even more impressive among people who aren't paying much attention to their diet at all and may therefore have more to gain.
You can even clone other items to make the photograph more interesting-maybe add books, fill in background with people or add more flowers-these are all possible through the clone Stamp Tool.
I'm also working on booking more workshops for the Fall, which will bring even more people together in the same physical location, where all of us can connect playfully and learn and grow together.
All of which makes sediba more similar to modern humans than are other australopithecines—and more similar, even, than Homo habilis, until now seen as one of the earliest humans.
All of which makes sediba more similar to modern humans than are other australopithecines—and more similar, even, than Homo habilis, until now seen as one of the earliest humans.
Even more dramatically, relativistic chips could employ logic that is more sophisticated than the binary operations all computers now use.
All other questions become moot, even harmless ones like why do we keep introducing more and more lumbering trains on the same old tracks that haven't been renewed for ages?
Nowdays, more and more people like staying at home, they watch TV and sure the internet all day. They grow fatter and fatter, and even suffer serious illness.
It was all very agreeable. The table cloths were even more clean and white than they had seemed through the window. And the crystal drinking glasses shined even more brightly.
Competition in terms of travel is in a similar vein: the more countries you have been to, the more worldly you seem (even if all you did in a certain country was get drunk and party).
Computer room: Adopt computer design, arrange Mai shelf, put yard, make speed more quickly, the materials are saved even more, many operators all have a skilled professional technique function.
I love you more than (I love) all the riches in the world, more than (I love) my freedom, more even than (I love) my own eyesight.
In one way they give us an even more vivid idea than the actual reality, just as reflections are often more beautiful than real nature. "All mirrors, " says George Macdonald .
All this was new information, but even more surprising was this: to fit the observed anisotropy, the grain-like texture of the inner core had to be much more pronounced than previously thought.
I would say that the Beatles are one of the most influential artists of all time even more so than Elvis Presley who was more a pop icon of his era.
I would say that the Beatles are one of the most influential artists of all time even more so than Elvis Presley who was more a pop icon of his era.