You are not the first person to realize that nowadays the stock of dateable men is at an all time low?
This has allowed the central bank to slash interest rates from almost 17pc a year ago to an all time low of 6.75pc.
Property values are at an all time low and many investors are taking advantage of this opportunity to purchase rental properties.
The share price dived from 49p to an all-time low of 40p.
About 20% of people 65 and older were in the workforce in February, up from an all-time low of 10% in January 1985, according to money manager United Income.
资金管理公司 United Income的数据显示,截至今年2月,65岁及以上人口占劳动力的比例已从1985年1月10%的历史最低水平增至约20%。
With his popularity languishing near an all-time low, he may gain nothing from sticking firmly to his plans despite the howl of protests.
South Africa has again re-introduced DDT for indoor residual spraying to keep malaria case and fatality Numbers at all-time low levels and move towards malaria elimination.
The CDC study did not explore why the teen birth rate is at an all-time low.
If the economy performs more strongly this year than expected, that should be the spur to start tightening, by raising the base rate from its all-time low of 0.5%.
Meanwhile, the U.S. Commerce Department reported that new home construction plummeted to an all-time low, down 17 percent in January from the previous month.
Japan Airlines' share price touched an all-time low after Japan's transport minister did not rule out a liquidation of the debt-laden carrier.
And that is when the bank is likely to start restoring more normal monetary Settings, by raising the base rate from its all-time low of 0.5%.
Risky assets have performed well; for example, the spreads on emerging-market debt recently hit an all-time low.
The dollar fell to an all-time low against Swiss franc while gold touched a record high. Long-dated US Treasury bonds weakened while global stocks remained under pressure.
Japan's fertility rate — the average number of children a woman bears in her lifetime — fell to an all-time low of 1.25 last year.
Tawang monastery's population fell from around 600 in 1959 to an all-time low of 200.
Business Owner: Lately I've felt that company morale is at an all-time low what can your firm do to help get my business back on track?
Yet even this represented an improvement on the Stygian depths of minus 39 last July, an all-time low since the index started in 1974, or the minus 37 recorded in January 2009.
The dollar fell as low as 76.54 against the yen in late trading Wednesday, dipping under the previous all-time low of 79.75 set in April 1995.
A recent survey by Hewitt Associates, a consulting firm, found that the proportion of 401 (k) plans invested in equities was at an all-time low of 53.8%, compared with 74.2% in 2000.
翰威特咨询公司(Hewitt Associates)一份最近的调查发现401 (k)(注8)计划中股票投资的比例达到空前的低位53.8%,相比2000年的数字是74.2%。
the percentage citing problems with labor quality is now at an all-time low, reflecting the reality that these days even highly skilled workers are desperate for employment.
Bernanke and his colleagues last month held a key bank lending rate at an all-time low near zero and pledged to hold it there for an "extended period."
Arctic sea ice has retreated so much that in September 2007 it covered an all-time low area of 4.14m km sq, surpassing by 23% the previous all-time record set in September 2005.
Moreover, the bank used the occasion to send a signal that it would be in no hurry to raise the base rate, which it brought down to an all-time low of 0.5% in March.
除此之外,英国银行将以此报告为机会传递信息,银行将不会迅速提高基准利率。 基准利率在三月份被下调到有史以来最低的百分之零点五。
On January 20th the Cabinet Office released its consumer-confidence survey for December, which marked its third consecutive all-time low.
While funds raised by nonprofits are at an all-time low overall, this year's eBay Giving Works figures were released amid a year of rapid growth for online fundraising.
当非营利组织筹措的资金在总体上处于持续低潮期的情况下,eBay GivingWorks的数据在网络筹款快速增长的一年发布。
Australia's sheep stock has now fallen to an all-time low — around 71 million head.
Last year, Harvard admitted an all-time low of 9% of applicants after receiving a record 23,000 applications.
That's an all-time low. Eighty-three percent say things are going badly, which is an all-time high.
That's an all-time low. Eighty-three percent say things are going badly, which is an all-time high.