"People aremixing new technologies with familiar ones to get a personalized TV experiencethat includes all of their favorite shows," said SideReel CEO RomanArzhintar.
SideReel 的首席执行官罗曼. 阿辛达尔(RomanArzhintar)说,“人们把新旧科技结合起来以得到一种个性化的电视体验,包括对他们喜欢的所有节目。
Sure, you can record TV shows and movies while you use your PC, but what do you do if you have two or three programs all battling for your attention?
The exhibit covers winery architecture, wine glass design, including some that are totally impractical, and all sorts of publications on wine — magazines, comics, books and TV shows.
Although watching TV shows from the 1970s suggests otherwise, the era wasn't completely devoid of all things resembling modern communication systems.
Its efforts to persuade companies to drop the prices of TV shows have been rebuffed by all except News Corporation and Disney, on whose board Steve Jobs, Apple's head honcho, sits.
Afterward, all I wanted to do was to make a big salad, and that’s exactly what I did, sans TV shows.
I had several shows recommended to me and all I could do was shrug and tell them that I didn't watch TV.
When you're looking at that large screen TV in the store, your mind is probably thinking about all the shows or video games you'll enjoy on it.
But iCloud also synchronizes your photos, music, e-books, apps and TV shows among all of those gadgets - far more reliably.
Same for TV shows, games, and mass-market books - 20 percent all.
The shows' flouring is good for Chinese TV field, but we should see that all the popular shows come from the other countries.
You can even get watch latest episodes for popular TV shows like Heroes, House, Lost and Prison Break – all without paying a dime.
Today, when we open the TV, we can see all kinds of shows, like the sing show, the live show and so on.
Cindy, how come nearly all the prime-time TV shows are comedies?
The characters, the writing, the sets and camera work, and the fantasy world itself, all of them areenough to make Game of Thrones one of the best TV shows on air.
Dozens of movies and TV shows are produced out of its lots all year long.
Talk da Talk TV Shows, radio shows, and books can be seen and heard all over China.
Then Ryan started watching his favorite TV shows all day long again.
He played in TV shows and movies like High School Musical, CSI, Marine Food of Love are all fairly well-known films and television shows.
Give up TV. Tape all your favorite shows and save them until the end of the trial. My whole family did this once, and it was very enlightening.
Give up TV. Tape all your favorite shows and save them until the end of the trial. My whole family did this once, and it was very enlightening.